
Encrypt your data when storing & decrypt when fetching in indexeddb

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Encrypt your data when storing & decrypt when fetching in IndexedDB

It is a jsstore plugin which register a middleware. The middleware encrypt or decrypt values based on query.


npm i jsstore-encrypt



How to use


1. Define your encrypt decrypt method


var secret = CryptoJS.enc.Hex.parse('000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f101112131415161718191a1b1c1d1e1f');

var JsStoreEncrypt = {
    encrypt(message) {
        const data = CryptoJS.AES.encrypt(message, secret, { mode: CryptoJS.mode.ECB }).toString();
        console.log("data", data);
        return data;
    decrypt(message) {
        var decryptedBytes = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(message, secret, { mode: CryptoJS.mode.ECB });
        return decryptedBytes.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8);

save this code in a javascript file. Let's say we have saved inside file name - jsstore-encrypt.js

This code will be used to encrypt decrypt the value. jsstore-encrypt search for object JsStoreEncrypt and then use encrypt, decrypt method, so its important that you follow this pattern.

👉 Important points -

  • Above code uses cryptojs AES algorithm. But you can use any library or algorithm.
  • If your code is asychronous, you can return promise.
  • In order to query using where - the encrypt algorithm should generate the same value always, so that we can encrypt a value and search in stored values.

2. Register plugin

import { encryptPlugin } from "jsstore-encrypt";

var connection = new JsStore.Connection();
connection.addPlugin(encryptPlugin, "path to jsstore_encrypt.js");

3. Create db schema & mark columns to encrypt

const tblStudent = {
    name: 'Students',
    columns: {
        id: {
            primaryKey: true,
            autoIncrement: true
        name: {
            notNull: true,
            dataType: DATA_TYPE.String
        secret: {
            dataType: DATA_TYPE.String,
            encrypt: true
        } as any
const dataBase: IDataBase = {
    name: dbname,
    tables: [tblStudent]

In the above schema, column secret is marked to be encrypted. So only column secret will be encrypted when inserted or updated & decrypted when selecting.

Insert data

    into: "Students",
    values: [{
        city: "bangalore",
        country: "india",
        gender: "male",
        name: "ujjwal",
        secret: "i want to travel the world"

The encrypt option tells jsstore-encrypt to encrypt the values. Only column marked with ecnrypt in the database schema will be encrypted - in our case secret.

Select data

    from: "Students",
    decrypt: true,

The decrypt option tells jsstore-decrypt to decrypt the values. Only column marked with ecnrypt will be decrypted - in our case secret column only.

Update data

    in: "Students",
    encrypt: true,
        name:'Ujjwal Gupta',
        secret:"Being more human"

In case of update, set values are encrypted.

Where (Filter)

In order to filter data using where - the encrypt algorithm should generate the same value always, so that we can encrypt a value and search in stored values.

    from: "Students",
    decrypt: {
          secret:"Being more human"

When you add where inside decrypt/encrypt, all values inside where are encrypted.

👉 You can also use your normal field without encrypt option similar to how you were using before -

    from: "Students",
    decrypt: {
          secret:"Being more human"

Note:- Partial where option - regex, like etc doesn't work in case of encryption as the values are stored as different data.