
Primary LanguageTypeScript



This is PADO AO SDK of PADO Network for dapps developer. PADO Network consists of three parts, the other two parts are:


  • Upload Data

Data Provider can upload encrypted data through dapp developed based on PADO SDK and set data prices at the same time. The data encrypted by the FHE algorithm and the PADO Node public key will be uploaded to Arweave, and the data information will be registered to AO's Data Registry Process.

  • Submit Task

Data User submits computation tasks with Data User Public Key through the dapp developed based on PADO SDK, and pays a certain computation and data fee. The computation tasks will be submitted to AO's Task Process.

  • Get Data

Data User obtains encrypted data from Arweave, obtains task results and data information from Process, and then uses the FHE algorithm and Data User Public Key in the SDK to decrypt the results.

Quick Start



npm install --save @padolabs/pado-ao-sdk


  • Install sdk

    npm install --save @padolabs/pado-ao-sdk
  • Introduce lhe.js into the html file, for example:

      <script type="text/javascript" src="https://pado-online.s3.ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/resources/lhe.js"></script>
  • If you meet the following error in your browser's console:

_stream_writable.js:57 Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined
    at node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_writable.js (_stream_writable.js:57:18)
    at __require2 (chunk-BYPFWIQ6.js?v=4d6312bd:19:50)

You can refer to project using vite. link



Encrypt data and upload encrypted data to AR. The combination of encryptData and submitData.

  • Parameters:

    • data:Uint8Array Plain data need to encrypt and upload.
    • dataTag:CommonObject The data meta info object.
    • priceInfo:PriceInfo The data price symbol(symbol is optional, default is wAR) and price. Currently only wAR(the Wrapped AR in AO) is supported, with a minimum price unit of 1 (1 means 0.000000000001 wAR).
    • wallet:any The ar wallet json object, this wallet must have AR Token. Pass window.arweaveWallet in a browser.
    • arweave:Arweave(optional) Arweave object generated by arweave-js init method and default is AR production.
    • extParam(optional) The extParam object, which can be used to pass additional parameters to the upload process.Usage can in the following example. By default, we use AR native transaction/data.
  • Returns:

    • Promise<string> The uploaded encrypted data id.
  • Example:

    import { uploadData } from "@padolabs/pado-ao-sdk";
    import Arweave from 'arweave';
    import { readFileSync } from "node:fs";
    const arweave = Arweave.init({
      host: '',
      port: 1984,
      protocol: 'http'
    const extParam = {
      uploadParam: {
        //sotreageType: arweave or arseeding, default is arweave
        storageType: 'arseeding', 
        //symbolTag:The tag corresponding to the token used for payment. ref: https://web3infra.dev/docs/arseeding/sdk/arseeding-js/getTokenTag
        symbolTag: 'arweave,ethereum-ar-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,0x4fadc7a98f2dc96510e42dd1a74141eeae0c1543'
    const wallet = JSON.parse(readFileSync(walletpath).toString());
    let data = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]);
    let dataTag = { "testtagkey": "testtagvalue" };
    let priceInfo = { price: "2000000", symbol: "wAR" };
    const dataId = await uploadData(data, dataTag, priceInfo, wallet, arweave ,extParam);


Encrypt data.

  • Parameters:

    • data:Uint8Array Plain data need to encrypt.
  • Returns:

    • Promise<CommonObject> The encrypted data.
  • Example:

    import { encryptData } from "@padolabs/pado-ao-sdk";
    let data = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]);
    const encryptedData = await encryptData(data);


Submit encrypted data to AR.

  • Parameters:

    • encryptedData:CommonObject Encrypted data need to upload. The value is returned by encryptData.
    • dataTag:CommonObject The data meta info object.
    • priceInfo:PriceInfo The data price symbol(symbol is optional, default is wAR) and price. Currently only wAR(the Wrapped AR in AO) is supported, with a minimum price unit of 1 (1 means 0.000000000001 wAR).
    • wallet:any The ar wallet json object, this wallet must have AR Token. Pass window.arweaveWallet in a browser.
    • arweave:Arweave(optional) Arweave object generated by arweave-js init method and default is AR production.
    • extParam(optional) The extParam object, which can be used to pass additional parameters to the upload process.Usage can in the following example. By default, we use AR native transaction/data.
  • Returns:

    • Promise<string> The uploaded encrypted data id.
  • Example:

    import { encryptData, submitData } from "@padolabs/pado-ao-sdk";
    import Arweave from 'arweave';
    import { readFileSync } from "node:fs";
    const arweave = Arweave.init({
      host: '',
      port: 1984,
      protocol: 'http'
    const extParam = {
      uploadParam: {
        //sotreageType: arweave or arseeding, default is arweave
        storageType: 'arseeding', 
        //symbolTag:The tag corresponding to the token used for payment. ref: https://web3infra.dev/docs/arseeding/sdk/arseeding-js/getTokenTag
        symbolTag: 'arweave,ethereum-ar-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,0x4fadc7a98f2dc96510e42dd1a74141eeae0c1543'
    const wallet = JSON.parse(readFileSync(walletpath).toString());
    let data = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]);
    let dataTag = { "testtagkey": "testtagvalue" };
    let priceInfo = { price: "2000000", symbol: "wAR" };
    const encryptedData = await encryptData(data);
    const dataId = await submitData(encryptedData, dataTag, priceInfo, wallet, arweave ,extParam);


Get the encrypted data info.

  • Parameters:

    • dataStatus: string(optional) The value is one of Valid/Invalid/All. Valid is to get valid data, Invalid is to get invalid data, and All is to get all data. The default is Valid.
  • Returns:

    • Promise<DataItems> Return Array of all data, each item contains id, dataTag, price, from and data fields.
  • Example:

    import { listData } from "@padolabs/pado-ao-sdk";
    const data = await listData();
    for (let dataitem of data) {
      console.log("dataitem=", dataitem.id, dataitem.dataTag, dataitem.price, dataitem.from);


Generate private and public key pair.

  • Parameters: NULL.

  • Returns:

    • Promise<KeyInfo> Return the key pair object which contains pk and sk fields.
  • Example:

    import { generateKey } from "@padolabs/pado-ao-sdk";
    const key = await generateKey();
    console.log("key=", key.pk, key.sk);


Submit a task to PADO Network. And must pay the data fee corresponding to the dataId and the computing fee of the PADO Node. Now each task charges a certain amount of wAR per computing node, and the getComputationPrice can get the amount.

  • Parameters:

    • dataId:string The data id.
    • dataUserPk:string The user's public key generated by keygen.
    • wallet:any The ar wallet json object, this wallet must have wAR. Pass window.arweaveWallet in a browser.
  • Returns:

    • Promise<string> The submited task id.
  • Example:

    import { submitTask } from "@padolabs/pado-ao-sdk";
    import { readFileSync } from "node:fs";
    let key = await generateKey();
    const wallet = JSON.parse(readFileSync(walletpath).toString());
    const taskId = await submitTask(dataId, key.pk, wallet);
    console.log("taskId=", taskId);


Get the result of the task.

  • Parameters:

    • taskId:string The task id.
    • dataUserSk:string The user's secret key generated by keygen.
    • arweave:Arweave(optional) Arweave object generated by arweave-js init method and default is AR production.
    • timeout:number(optional) Timeout in milliseconds (default: 10 seconds).
  • Returns:

    • Promise<Uint8Array> Return plain data.
  • Example:

    import { getResult } from "@padolabs/pado-ao-sdk";
    const data = await getResult(taskId, key.sk, arweave);


Submit a task to AO and get the result. The combination of submitTask and getResult.

  • Parameters:

    • dataId:string The data id.
    • dataUserPk:string The user's public key generated by keygen.
    • dataUserSk:string The user's secret key generated by keygen.
    • wallet:any The ar wallet json object, this wallet must have wAR. Pass window.arweaveWallet in a browser.
    • arweave:Arweave(optional) Arweave object generated by arweave-js init method and default is AR production.
    • timeout:number(optional) Timeout in milliseconds (default: 10 seconds).
  • Returns:

    • Promise<Uint8Array> Return plain data.
  • Example:

    import { submitTaskAndGetResult } from "@padolabs/pado-ao-sdk";
    const data = await submitTaskAndGetResult(dataId, key.pk, key.sk, wallet, arweave)


Get the computing price of each node for each task. Now only supports wAR(the Wrapped AR in AO), minimum unit to use wAR(1 means 0.000000000001 wAR).

  • Parameters:

    • symbol:string(optional) The price symbol (default: wAR).
  • Returns:

    • Promise<string> Return the computing price of a node.
  • Example:

    import { getComputationPrice } from "@padolabs/pado-ao-sdk";
    const price = await getComputationPrice();
    console.log("price=", price);


npm install
npm run build