

The pado-network-sdk helps developers use PADO Network, which provides trustless and confidential computing capabilities. You can learn more about PADO Network.

Quick Start



Install package by npm

npm install --save @padolabs/pado-network-sdk

import wasm

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<!--    When the JS is introduced, the WASM will automatically load. -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

If you meet the following error in your browser's console:

_stream_writable.js:57 Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined
    at node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_writable.js (_stream_writable.js:57:18)
    at __require2 (chunk-BYPFWIQ6.js?v=4d6312bd:19:50)

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Getting Started


Generate Key

Generate public-private key pairs for submitting tasks and retrieving task results.

generateKey(param_obj?: any): Promise<KeyInfo>;
  • Example
import {Utils} from "@padolabs/pado-network-sdk";

//The generated key pair will be used for submitTask() and `getTaskResult()
const keyInfo = await new Utils().generateKey();


Import Client
import {PadoNetworkContractClient} from '@padolabs/pado-network-sdk'
Instantiate Client

The constructor for the PadoNetworkContractClient.

  constructor(chainName: ChainName, wallet: any, storageType: StorageType = StorageType.ARSEEDING);


  • chainName: The blockchain the client wants to connect to. Learn more about ChainName
  • wallet: The wallet that interacts with the blockchain.
  • storageType (optional): The storage option the client wants to use for data. The default is StorageType.ARSEEDING. Learn more about StorageType


chainName storageType Wallet
ao ARWEAVE window.arweaveWallet(ArConnect)
holesky ARSEEDING window.ethereum(metamask)
ethereum ARSEEDING window.ethereum(metamask)
  • Returns

  • **Example **

const chainName = 'holesky';
const storageType = StorageType.ARSEEDING;
//if chainName is holesky or ethereum, wallet should be window.ethereum;
//if chainName is ao, wallet should be window.arweaveWallet;
const wallet = window.ethereum;
const padoNetworkClient = new PadoNetworkContractClient(chainName, wallet, storageType);
Upload Data

Uploading data to the storage chain.

uploadData(data: Uint8Array, dataTag: CommonObject, priceInfo: PriceInfo, permissionCheckers?: string[], encryptionSchema?: EncryptionSchema): Promise<string>;
  • Parameters

    • data: The data to be uploaded, which should be of type Uint8Array.

    • dataTag: The data's metadata object. Note: Please use an object format, not a string.

    • priceInfo: The data price symbol. Leran more bout PriceInfo
      Different chainName values correspond to different symbols.

      chainName symbol minimum price(1 means)
      ao wAR(the Wrapped AR in AO) 0.000000000001 wAR
      holesky ETH 1 wei
      ethereum ETH 1 wei
    • permissionCheckers(optional): The addresses of the checkers. The default is an empty array. Learn more about IDataPermission

    • encryptionSchema(optional): Parameters used by the algorithm. The default is:

        t: '2',
        n: '3'
  • Returns

    • dataId: A unique identifier for the data.
  • Example

//padoNetworkClient is the object instantiated in the previous section 
const data = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]);
const dataTag = { 'filename': 'testFileName' };
const priceInfo = { price: '200000000', symbol: 'wAR' };
//No data permission check by default
const dataId = await padoNetworkClient.uploadData(data, dataTag, priceInfo);
//If you want to set data permission checking contracts
const permissionCheckers = ['0x.....','0x.......']
const dataId = await padoNetworkClient.uploadData(data, dataTag, priceInfo, permissionCheckers);
Submit Task

Submit a task to the PADO Network. You must pay both the data fee corresponding to the data provider and the computing fee for the workers.

submitTask(taskType: TaskType, dataId: string, dataUserPk: string): Promise<string>;
  • Parameters

    • taskType: The type of the task. Just support TaskType.DATA_SHARING now. Leran more about TaskType

    • dataId: The dataId returned by the uploadData interface.

    • dataUserPk: The The user's public key generated by generateKey of Utils..

  • Returns

    • taskId: The ID of the task.
  • Example

const userDataId = 'returned by the uploadData';

const taskId = await padoNetworkClient.submitTask(TaskType.DATA_SHARING, userDataId,;


keyInfo is generated at Generate Key

Get Task Result

Get the result of the task.

getTaskResult(taskId: string, dataUserSk: string, timeout?: number): Promise<Uint8Array>;
  • Parameters
    • taskId: taskId returned by submitTask
    • dataUserSk: The user's secret key generated by generateKey of Utils
    • timeout(optional): The timeout in milliseconds for getting the result, if you wait longer than this time a timeout exception will be thrown. Default 60000(60 seconds).
  • Returns
    • Uint8Array: The result of the task in plain text.
  • Example
const taskId = 'returned by the getTaskResult';
const timeout = 20000;//milliseconds
//The format of data is Uint8Array, you should handle this data additionally, such as saving it to a file etc.
const data = await padoNetworkClient.getTaskResult(taskId,, timeout);


You need to make sure that the dataUserSk used and the dataUserPk used by the submitTask are part of the same key pair. keyInfo is generated at Generate Key

Get balance can withdraw

Get the balance of your wallet that can be withdrawn

getBalance(userAddress: Address, tokenSymbol: string): Promise<Balance>;
  • Parameters
    • userAddress: Address to search
    • tokenSymbol: What token to search for. Now is ETH
  • Returns
    • Balance: The token of the address. Leran more about Balance
  • Example
const balance = await padoNetworkClient.getBalance(address, 'ETH');
//The amount of free can be withdrawn
Withdraw token

Withdraw token.

withdrawToken(toAddress: Address, tokenSymbol: string, amount: Uint256): Promise<Transaction>;
  • Parameters
    • toAddress: Address to receive token
    • tokenSymbol: Which token to withdraw. Now is ETH
    • amoun: The amount you want to withdraw needs to be less than free above.
  • Returns
    • Transaction: Transaction infomation.
  • Example
const amount =;
const transaction = await padoNetworkClient.withdrawToken(address, 'ETH', amount);

Type And Enum

type KeyInfo = {
		//publick key
    pk: string;
    //private key
    sk: string;
type ChainName = 'ao' | 'holesky' | 'ethereum';
enum StorageType {
    ARWEAVE = "arweave",
    ARSEEDING = "arseeding"
 * Price of data
 * if symbol is 'wAR'(chainName is ao), a price of 1 means that the data price is 0.000000000001 wAR.
 * if symbol is 'ETH'(chainName is holesky or ethereum),a price of 1 means that the data price is 1wei
 * price: The price of data
 * symbol: The token symbol of price
interface PriceInfo {
    price: string;
    symbol: string;
enum TaskType{
  DATA_SHARING = 'dataSharing'


type Balance = {
  free: Uint256;
  locked: Uint256;

Solidity: IDataPermission

Developers should implement the IDataPermission contract to create custom checking logic. Data provider can assign a checker contract address for data permission checking while uploading data. When task submitted by a data user, the PADO Network Contract requests permission from the assigned contract and then decides whether to continue or terminate the task based on the results returned.

    Data User->>+PADO Network Contracts: submitTask
    PADO Network Contracts->>+DataPermission Checker Contract: isPermitted
    DataPermission Checker Contract-->>PADO Network Contracts: true or false
    deactivate DataPermission Checker Contract
    alt isPermitted:false
        PADO Network Contracts->>Data User: task failed
    else isPermitted:true
        PADO Network Contracts->>PADO Network Contracts: runTask
        PADO Network Contracts-->>Data User: task result

    deactivate PADO Network Contracts
  • IDataPermission.sol
interface IDataPermission {
     * @notice Check whether data user can buy the data
     * @param dataUser The data user to buy the data.
     * @return Return true if the data user can buy the data, else false.
    function isPermitted(address dataUser) external returns (bool);

An example for checking data whitelisting can be found at WhiteListDataPermission