
FluxCD Flux config for AKS clusters

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Flux config for AKS clusters

Folder Structure

├── common                                          # Workloads which are not Kustomized and applied across all environments.
│   └── namespace                                   # One folder per namespace containing workloads.
│       └── ...
├── namespaces                                     
│   └── namespace                                   # One folder per namespace containing base resources.
│       └── ... namespace.yaml                      # Namespace manifest  
│           ├── kustomization.yaml                  # Kustomization per name space referring all manifests in this directory.
│           └── <application-name>                  # Folder per app containing manifests and patches for each application.
│               └── <application-name>.yaml         # Helm Release for each application.
│               └── <env>.yaml...                   # Optional patch for each environment
│               └── ...
├── env(sandbox)
│   ├── cluster-xx                                  # Folder per cluster containing workloads which aren't overlays / Kustomized but speific to only a particular cluster( not recomnended)
│   │   ├── namespaces                              # Folder per namespace
│   │       └── ...
│   │                                    
│   ├── (cluster-xx/common)-overlay                 # Kustomized common (or per cluster) folder 
│   │   ├── .flux.yaml                              # Flux Kustomize file.
│   │   ├── kustomization.yaml                      # Kustomization referring to below namespaced bases and common env specific overrides.
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   └── namespaces                              # Opitonal Folder per namespace
│   │       └── kustomization.yaml                  # kustomization file referring to team kustomize base and env specific patches.
│   │
│   ├── common                                      # Common workloads applied across all clusters in environment.
│   │   └── namespace                               # Folder per namespace.
│   │       └── ...
│   └── pub-cert.pem                                # pem file for sealed-secrets
└── ...

Adding an app to flux

All App deployments are managed through HelmRelease manifests. See App Deployment section for more details.

Creating Sealed Secrets

Install version 0.5.1 from https://github.com/bitnami-labs/sealed-secrets/releases

From a Literal

kubectl create secret generic my-secret \
  --from-literal key=secret-value \
  --namespace namespace \
  --dry-run=client -o json > my-secret.json

kubeseal --format=yaml --cert=pub-cert.pem < my-secret.json > my-secret.yaml

From a File

kubectl create secret generic my-secret \
  --from-file=./some-file.txt \
  --namespace namespace \
  --dry-run=client -o json > my-secret.json

kubeseal --format=yaml --cert=pub-cert.pem < my-secret.json > my-secret.yaml

Bootstrapping sealed secrets for a new cluster

See new cluster creation steps.