
Matrix-free advection example produces seg fault when BE integrator method used.

sleigh2022 opened this issue · 2 comments

An advanced ReMKiT1D example revisiting the advection problem has been written, but this time using the v1.2.0 UnaryTransform("shift") feature to define stencils without actually having to explicitly use stencil or matrix objects.

It will also showcase other v1.2.0 features including Grid helper functions.

The example in my dev branch works fine for CVODE and RK integrators but not for the BE integrator, which seems to cause a segmentation fault on the first iteration. Will need to investigate this in closer detail.

To do:

  • Fix segmentation fault when using the BE integrator.
  • Pass Jacobians and DualWidth into the divNode and pGrad functions - thereby making them grid-agnostic.

By design, the BE integrator cannot use this matrix-free implementation as it requires defined Matrix objects.

Apologies, thought this was just an issue with the BDE integrator, reopening.