Python modules and notebooks used to initialize and analyze ReMKiT1D runs
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Implement an improved version of the RKWrapper class to enable nonlinear workflows
#36 opened by SMijin - 1
Include ability to addCustomDerivation when creating DerivationTerm (dev-v1.2.0 feature)
#30 opened by alfieadhemar - 0
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Matrix-free advection example produces seg fault when BE integrator method used.
#33 opened by sleigh2022 - 0
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Missing if statements in addTermDiagnosisForVars and addTermDiagnosisForDistVars
#25 opened by SMijin - 1
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Add assertions to stop the addition of variables with names conflicting with the coordinate names in the variable container
#21 opened by SMijin - 1
Improve documentation for Grid and RKWrapper
#20 opened by SMijin - 1
Improve documentation in common models
#19 opened by SMijin - 1
Missing docstrings in
#18 opened by SMijin - 1
Support new time reset feature in ReMKiT1D
#15 opened by SMijin - 1
Add __rtruediv__ operation for nodes
#9 opened by alfieadhemar - 1
additiveDerivation asserts len(derivTags) == linCoeffs even if no linCoeffs provided
#10 opened by alfieadhemar - 1
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Calculation tree evaluation on numpy arrays
#7 opened by SMijin