
Student Result Sheet

Primary LanguagePHP

Student Result Sheet

Database Structure

-------- tables --------
👉 students
- id
- name 
- roll (unique) 
- class

👉 subjects
- id
- name

👉 results
- id
- student_id
- subject_id
- marks 

student_id, subject_id, marks == All of them are primary key

------ relationship ------
1. A student hasMany subjects 
A subject is belong to a student

2. Student have many results
Subject has many results
Result is belongs to Students and Subjects


  • Migrations
  • Relationships
  • Controller and Route
  • Views



  • Clone the repo
  • Run composer install
  • Rename .env.example to .env
  • Create a database and put valid credential to .env
  • Run php artisan migrate
  • Run php artisan serve