

Primary LanguageJavaScript

TOC (Table of Content) Assignment

To start with the assignment, make sure you have the latest version of node.js. Install it from here. After installing open the folder in a terminal / command prompt and issue the following commands to get started:

$ cd ck12_toc
$ npm install
$ npm start

The server would be by default running on http://localhost:3000. If you wish to change the port, you can do that in line 8 of index.js in root folder. All the files that you are required to edit is present in the public folder. Please do not make any changes to api folder as it is responsible for serving the API requests.

To Run UI Paralelly

$ npm run ui

API Documentation

There are two types of APIs here. One is to get the first level book details and the other to get the second level details

Get Book Details:

This API is responsible for getting first level details (gets details of chapters and lessons in first level)

  • URL /api/book/:id
  • Method: GET
  • Path Params:
    • id: The id of the book. Eg: maths
  • Sample Success Response: The success response is an array of objects. Each Object can be a chapter or a lesson
        response: [
            childrenCount: 9, //The number of lesson the chapter has
            id: 4443990, //The id of chapter or lesson
            sequenceNO: 1, //The order in which the item should be displayed in toc
            title: "Ratios", //The title of chapter or lesson
            type: "chapter", //Can be either "chapter" or "lesson"
            completeCount: 9 //The count of lesson that has been complete under this chapter
            childrenCount: 0, //Will be always 0 for lessons
            id: 1131520, //The id of chapter or lesson
            sequenceNO: 2, //The order in which the item should be displayed in toc
            title: "Fractions Explained in Depth", //The title of chapter or lesson
            type: "lesson", //Can be either "chapter" or "lesson"
            status: "COMPLETE" //Status of lesson
        status: "OK",
        statusCode: 200 
  • Sample Error Response:
        response: {
            message: "Book not found in DB"
        status: "NOT-FOUND",
        statusCode: 404
  • Example http://localhost:3000/api/book/maths

Get Chapter Details:

This API is responsible for getting the second level details (gets details of lessons under a chapter)

  • URL /api/book/:id/section/:sectionid
  • Method: GET
  • Path Params:
    • id: The id of the book. Eg: maths
    • sectionid: The id of the chapter. Eg: 4443990
  • Sample Success Response: The success response is an array of objects. Each Object is a lesson with status of completion
        response: [
              id: 4423715, //The id of the lesson
              sequenceNO: 1, //The order in which the item should be displayed in toc
              title: "Introducing Ratios - Math 6 CCSS", //The title of lesson
              type: "lesson", //Type is always lesson
              status: "COMPLETE" //Can be one of "COMPLETE", "IN_PROGRESS", "NOT_STARTED"
        status: "OK",
        statusCode: 200 
  • Sample Error Response:
        response: {
            message: "Book or section not found in DB"
        status: "NOT-FOUND",
        statusCode: 404
  • Example http://localhost:3000/api/book/maths/section/4443990