Aim: To create a Twitter bot in python for detecting the emotions of tweets.
- This is an unfinished project for detecting the emotion of text using the NLP in python.
- After completion, this will be used with Twitter for detecting the emotions in a tweet and tweeting in response.
- requirements.txt will be provided very soon.
- Just connect to the kernel and run it all in the notebook.
Some execution details and help is written in markdown.
Twitter bot for storing trending tweets.
- We have accomplished this step by requesting developer access to Twitter's API and using the Snscraper library. In total, we have 100,000 tweets with "#chatgpt" to work with.
A Program designed to detect emotions in tweets that have been stored.
Generating data and also tweeting a quote in the thread.
- Feel free to test this code and work on it.
- Waiting for PR.