
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

gec-preprocess: a toolkit for preprocessing GEC data

gecpt is a toolkit for preprocessing grammatical error correction data (e.g., FCE, NUCLE, Lang-8, WikEd, JFLEG, EFCAMDAT). You can use it to convert learner corpora from one format to the other (e.g., xml-like to m2, m2 to diff+, diff to parallel, etc).

Install gec-preprocess

pip install https://github.com/NTHU-NLPLAB/gec-preprocess/archive/main.zip


Use it in terminal

  1. Convert FCE xml files to diff+
cat fce.xml | python -m gecpt.format.convert_fce
  1. Convert diff+ format to parallel
cat diff.txt | python -m gecpt.format.diff_to_parallel

Use it in python

  1. Convert FCE xml files to diff+
from gecpt.format import convert_fce

diff_text = convert_fce('The show is going to be in <NS type="MD"><c>the</c></NS> Central Exhibition Hall', to='diff')
# The show is going to be in {+the+}(MD) Central Exhibition Hall
  1. Convert diff+ format to parallel
from gecpt.format import diff_to_parallel

original, corrected = diff_to_parallel("We can discuss [-about-](U:PREP) the issue.")
print(original, '->', corrected)
# We can discuss about the issue. -> We can discuss the issue.
  1. Convert m2 format to diff+
from gecpt.format import iter_m2_file, parse_m2_token, convert_m2

def m2_to_diff(m2_contents):
    wdiff_sents = []
    for sent, *edits in iter_m2_file(m2_contents):
        edits_tuples = [parse_m2_token(edit) for edit in edits]
        wdiff_sents.append(convert_m2(sent[2:], edits_tuples))
    return wdiff_sents

m2_contents = [
  'S But , if you want I look for a job from you .',
  'A 5 5|||M:PUNCT|||,|||REQUIRED|||-NONE-|||0',
  'A 6 6|||M:VERB:TENSE|||will|||REQUIRED|||-NONE-|||0',
  'A 10 11|||R:PREP|||for|||REQUIRED|||-NONE-|||0',
  '',  # extra new line is necessary.

# 'But , if you want {+,+}(M:PUNCT) I {+will+}(M:VERB:TENSE) look for a job [-from-]{+for+}(R:PREP) you .'

Diff+ format

diff+ is a format for representing possibly erroneous sentences with corrective edits. The format originated from the commonly used wdiff.