$ npm install -g ukmadlz
$ ukmadlz
Mike Elsmore is available for hire for software development, MVPs, Developer Experience and Developer Relations related work.
For a day job he's usually talking about stuff, building stuff (occasionally SDKs), and trying share stuff.
Mike hacks and speaks about topics such as Microservices, Prototyping, CouchDB, PouchDB, benthos, devops-ish, offline first, ETL, NodeJS, TypeScript, speaker, hackathons, Developer Advocate, Developer Relations.
If you'd like to arrange a quick chat with me https://calendly.com/mike-elsmore/15min and if you want to hire an hour of consulting https://calendly.com/mike-elsmore/consult
E-mail: <mike@elsmore.me>
Website: <https://elsmore.me>
Twitter: <https://twitter.com/ukmadlz>
Mastodon: <https://mastodon.social/@ukmadlz>
GitHub: <https://github.com/ukmadlz>
Twitch: <https://twitch.tv/ukmadlz>
LinkedIn: <https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikeelsmore/>