
A new flavor of Slack! With some BSD tools, packet sniffers and other great stuff.

Primary LanguageShell



Install slpkg with installpkg slpkg*

Then install all the other stuff.

Copy the .pekwm folder to your home folder. Then run mmaker pekwm -f. Change the ~/.pekwm/start to reflect your background (I used a picture of the girl group TWICE :* )


change your shell to mksh. Try jupp as opposed to Vim or Emacs. I also recommend you run slpkg -s sbo termite. mpv is recommended.


  • aircrack-ng ;)

  • mksh

  • feh

  • jupp

  • nethack

  • p7zip

  • ranger

  • slpkg

  • unnethack

  • wireshark

  • xcompmgr

  • nmap

  • mpv

  • ffmpeg

  • screenfetch

  • scrot

  • giblib

  • pekwm

  • c-ares

  • qt5

  • GeoIp