
The Mail Check AggregateReport Microservice is responsible for processing DMARC reports fed to it by an S3 bucket. The service also "aggregates" this data in useful formats which are then fed to the front-end to be displayed. You should have a database connection established with the AggregateReport DB when running any project which contains a DAO folder. If running any of the Intelligence.Api projects, you will need to establish a connection to the AggregateReport Postgres DB.

Environment Variables needed for running:

In general, when running any project within MailCheck.AggregateReport you should have the following environment variables set up:

Variable Value
AuthorisationServiceEndpoint url of authorisation endpoint
SnsTopicArn arn of topic to publish messages
ConnectionString database connection string
DevMode boolean to toggle CORS and run on localhost
AWS_REGION aws datacentre region
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID aws access key
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY aws secret access key

AggregateReport.Parser specific environment variables (as well as the above)

Variable Value
DkimSelectorsTopicArn arn of topic for publishing DkimSelectorsSeen messages
TimeoutSqs SQS timeout in seconds
TimeoutS3 S3 timeout in seconds
MaxS3ObjectSizeKilobytes Limit in kb of S3 objects