Identifying the musical instrument from its Spectrograph Images - MATHWORKS Music Project.

This Repository is a part of Deep Learning Course by MATHWORKS. Every Musical intrument have a specific pattern in thier respective spectrograph images. Using this images, a deep neural network can be developed which can identify to which Instrument the spectrograph belongs.

The Network has been trained to detect 14 instruments

  1. Bells
  2. Cello
  3. Clarinet
  4. Crotales
  5. Double Bass
  6. Flute
  7. Piano
  8. Saxophone
  9. Trombone
  10. Trumpet
  11. Vibraphone
  12. Viola
  13. Violin
  14. Xylophone

The spectrogram images of these instruments were obtained from MATHWORKS, in association with University of Iowa Electronic Music Studios. Alex Net was modified with Transfer learning, 70.06% acccuracy was achieved. Further modifications on training options led to an accuracy of 88.62%, this was with the Transfer Learning. The Results have been shared as "result_1.png" and "result_2.png"

Neural network "Spec_New_Network based on speech recognition architecture, predicted the instrumests with an accuracy of 97.48%. the training progress can be visualized in the "result_3.png"