
A simple E-commerce Web App with 2 user roles (Admin and Customer) with ability to perform CRUD operations using the same Backend.

Primary LanguagePython

Define Models

- User

- Admin
- Customer

- Product

- Order

Build Sign Up/Sign In Fucntionality for Users (Admin and Customer)

- Admin uses a Default email "admin@mail.com" and "1234567890" as password for simplicity

- Customers must sign up with correct user credentials

Create the Admin Dashboard

- Add new Products

- Update Product Qty

Create a Products Page for Customers

- View all products available - name, brand, price and qty

Allow Customers to add Products to Cart

- Calculate amount present in cart using product(s) price and QTY

Allow Customers Create Order

- Products in cart and total amount wil be used to create order

Allow Customers pay for Order using Paystack



Verify Paystack Transation and Update Order status

Update Product Qty once Order status is paid (Subtract Order qty from Inventory)

Build a Better UI