
Technical documentation about how the UK tariff data works.

Primary LanguageRuby

Tariff Data Manual

How to add images:

  1. Go to issues and click 'new issue'
  2. Paste your image into the text box
  3. A URL will be generated
  4. Copy and Paste this URL into your page

How to add tables:

  1. visit this website: https://www.tablesgenerator.com/markdown_tables#
  2. Go to file > paste table data > load > generate > copy to clipboard
  3. You can put line breaks in your table as <br>

How to underline text:

Use this format: <ins>text</ins>

How to add graphs:

Graph 1:

  1. This graph looks like this:


  1. You can add a graph like this by adding a block of Database Markup Language (DBML):
Table "Measure Type" {
    measure_type_id int [pk]
    validity_start_date date
    validity_end_date date

Table Measures {
    measure_sid int [pk]
    measure_type_id int [fk]
    "..." ...  // Put dots in quotes for column names

Table "Measure Type Description" {
    measure_type_id int [fk]
    language_id char(2)
    description char(500)

Ref: Measures.measure_type_id > "Measure Type".measure_type_id
Ref: "Measure Type Description".measure_type_id > "Measure Type".measure_type_id

Graph 2:

  1. This graph looks like this:


  1. You can add a graph like this by using the following format:
graph "Measures and Regulations" {
  node [shape=box]

  measure1 [label=Measure]
  measure2 [label=Measure]
  measure3 [label=Measure]
  measure4 [label=Measure]
  "Regulation" -- measure1
  "Regulation" -- measure2
  "Regulation" -- measure3
  "Regulation" -- measure4

A few things that we need to consider:

  • We need to put a 'back to the top' button at the end of each page
  • We need to add a 'Is there anything wrong with this page?' section at the end of each page so if users notice any mistakes/problems they can notify us
  • Although we can add tables, there are still a few formatting kinks that need to be straightend out such as how to highlight rows/columns/cells or how to merge cells

Running the documentation locally


  • graphviz
  • node (supported major versions: 10, 12, 14)
  • ruby 3.2.0

On Mac these can be installed with:

brew install node
brew install graphviz
brew install ruby

rbenv and nvm are useful for installing and running multiple version of ruby and nodejs respectively. rbenv can be installed with:

brew install rbenv ruby-build

For nvm install instructions, see the project page on github.

Install the submodule:

cd wiki
git submodule init
git submodule update

Install dependencies:

bundle install


rake build

Run the server:

bundle exec middleman server

Access the site at localhost:4567