
Custom Keybinding scripts for Unix like systems, specifically Ubuntu and Xubuntu - Written in C

Primary LanguageC


Custom Keybinding scripts for Unix like systems, specifically Ubuntu and Xubuntu C based implementations Usage outlined in individual implementations:

Please use gsettings implementation for Ubuntu 13 and above. Implementation based on : http://askubuntu.com/a/597414/357970

Please use xml/XFC4 implementation for Xubuntu XFC4 systems. (Tested with 14.04 and 16.06)

##Example Usage

./keybind "<Control><Alt>Delete" "gnome-system-monitor"

./keybind "<Control><Alt>Up" "xrandr -o inverted"
./keybind "<Control><Alt>Down" "xrandr -o normal"
./keybind "<Control><Alt>Right" "xrandr -o left"
./keybind "<Control><Alt>Left" "xrandr -o right"

##Example Bindings

Key Usage
Super key: <Super>
Control key: <Primary>or <Control>
Alt key: <Alt>
Shift key: <Shift>
numbers: 1 (just the number)
Spacebar: space
Slash key: slash
Asterisk key: asterisk (so it would need <Shift> as well)
Ampersand key: ampersand (so it would need <Shift> as well)

Numpad divide key (/): | KP_Divide Numpad multiply (Asterisk):|KP_Multiply Numpad number key(s): | KP_1 Numpad -: | KP_Subtract |
Up, Down, Left, Right | Up, Down, Left, Right