
Place/personal names extractor

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Place names and personal names extractor

These scripts written by Ettore Rizza (Université libre de Bruxelles) help to extract place names and personal names from user queries. Developed in the context of a large-scale case study conducted at the Royal Library of Belgium, scripts have been applied on a data set of 83,854 queries resulting from 29,812 visits (on the online historical newspapers platform BelgicaPress), over a 12-month period. By making use of information extraction methods, knowledge bases (KBs) and various authority files, our method aims to facilitate automated analysis of user queries' content.


This case-study has been presented in a paper published by the Journal of Documentation: Anne Chardonnens, Ettore Rizza, Mathias Coeckelbergs, Seth van Hooland, (2018) "Mining user queries with information extraction methods and linked data", Journal of Documentation, https://doi.org/10.1108/JD-09-2017-0133

Get in touch

As open data enthusiats, we wanted to share our code with you. However, we have to admit it can still be cryptic and not as user-friendly as we would dream. Please be get in touch on Twitter (@Ettore_Rizza) if you plan to use it and have further questions or need some assistance!