
Hello, In order to stay true to the provided framework as much as I could I decided to use inbuilt .edge templates with a state management library called knockout.js. This way I was able to separate all the business logic into a javascript file (VM - viewmodel) and use .edge templates for the view layer. Worked out kind of reasonable. For the styling I went with SASS and used a dedicated style file for each template.

Task 1

Bacon cloning functionality

First I wrote plain javascript that just cloned the image and appended it to the section, but then I thought that since in the next tasks I will need some state management, I would add it at this point and go with a unified way of writing 'pages'.

Task 2

Recreate design

Form can be found on /checkout. I approached form build and validation at the same time.

  • Divided the form into two logical components - Checkout and Cart.
  • Added the provided Cart state into a Document Script enabling it to be used in javascript.
  • Tried to extract commonly used components into their own separate files.
  • Form is mobile friendly.
  • Credit card dashes are added automatically.
  • Modified valid phone number format to match BE validation.
  • Tested form on Chrome, Firefox, Edge.

Task 3

Provide simple JS validation

User can type only valid keys into input fields & when Confirm is clicked, invalid fields are displayed with error messages.

Task 4

Send form data to the POST /order endpoint

Added logic for posting data & added status modal for showing result to the user. Did not process the error data, just displayed as is.






