
Primary LanguagePHP


You can see my apllication on Heroku here: https://safe-sierra-72627.herokuapp.com or download and install from git.


Clone project from GitHub:

git clone git@github.com:Dorkis/districts.git

Go into project directory and run docker

docker-compose up -d

after that you need to log to machine

docker exec -ti -u dev yourdistrict_php_1 bash

and install dependencies with composer

composer install -n

and udate database

php vendor/bin/doctrine orm:schema-tool:update -f

then you can visit


and download all districts from Gdańsk and Kraków.

Using application

After install visit http://localhost:8080/districts and enjoy.

You can use this application also like API. All requests must be sent with header 'Accept: application/json'

To insert all districts from Gdańsk and Kraków you have to go to url:


To add new district you have to go to url:


where cityName is Kraków or Gdańsk. You must use POST method and in body you have to put for example:

    "districts": {
        "name": "New district name ",
        "population": 2000,
        "area": 2.3,
        "city": "Gdańsk"

To update district you have to go to url:


where cityName is Kraków or Gdańsk. You must use PUT method and in body you have to put for example:

    "districts": {
        "name": "Update name",
        "population": 2000,
        "city": "Gdańsk",
        "districtId" : 54

To delete district you have to go to url:


where cityName is Kraków or Gdańsk. You must use DELETE method districtId is id witch you want to delete.

To sort districts you have to go to url:


where cityName is Kraków or Gdańsk. In parameters you can choose options. sort: population, area, name order: asc, desc

Population and area you can use like this: population=FROM|TO area=FROM|TO