
Application dedicated to be a presentation complement

Primary LanguagePHP


Application dedicated to be a presentation complement. It provides a very simple Blog with just few basic functionalities. It was designed to simply present how an event sourced application works.

Setting up environment

PHPcon Demo environment is based on docker containers, so make sure your environment supports docker and the docker-machine is up.

Then start the machines with command:

$ docker-compose up -d

Check if all containers started:

$ docker ps -a

The output should look similar to that like:

Status should be "Up ..." on 4 containers:


You can log into php machine:

$ docker exec -it phpcondemo_php_1 bash

Go to /var/www/blog directory and install application with composer:

$ composer install -n

Running tests


To run Behat scenarios login to php container, go to /var/www/blog directory and run:

$ bin/behat


To run PHPSpec and/or see classes specs login to php container, go to /var/www/blog directory and run:

$ bin/phpspec run -fpretty

Application commands

When logged into php container, you can run one of created commandline tools:

Loading fixtures

$ php app/console ulff:fixtures:load

This command fills event storage and projection storage with some sample data. Command looks similar to the one avaiable with DoctrineFixturesBundle but operates on PHPCon Demo use cases.

Cleaning projection

$ php app/console ulff:projection:clear --name=projection-name

This command removes all data from projection defined in parameter name. Just fill in correct projection name, e.g. post-list.

Replaying projection

$ php app/console ulff:projection:populate --name=projection-name

This command cleans and replays projection defined in parameter name. Just fill in correct projection name, e.g. post-list. Your projection data will be then recreated from event storage.

Browsing MongoDB data

Log into db machine:

$ docker exec -it phpcondemo_db_1 bash

Then run MongoDB:

$ mongo

And switch to phpcondemo database:

> use phpcondemo