
The famous polls app from the official Django tutorial.

The tutorial is available here. The code in this repository reflects the state of the tutorial as of November 23, 2024.

This repository serves as a project starter for those who need a quick Django setup with a simple app. To enhance its utility, some additional tooling has been included:

  • Poetry for dependency management
  • pre-commit for code quality, incorporating:
    • pre-commit-hooks
    • ruff
    • django-upgrade
    • codespell
  • GitHub Actions for pre-commit and test pipelines
  • Dependabot for automated dependency updates

The resulting Django project has some changes from the original tutorial:

  • Uses src/ as the source folder name
  • Uses core/ for the core configuration folder
  • Removes default docstrings from initial files
  • Adds # noqa comments where it's needed


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Set up the virtual environment using Poetry:
    poetry install
    poetry shell
  3. Apply database migrations:
    python migrate
  4. Create a superuser account:
    python createsuperuser
  5. Start the development server:
    python runserver