- Computer Science and Engineering?
- Computation vs Calculation
- Computational Thinking
- Computer
- Shell command
- Vim command
- What is Python?
- Zen of Python
- Install Python, Jupyter notebook
- Data types
- Operation, Operator
- Let's code Pythonic
- User input
- String Formatting
- Strings
- List, Tuple
- Conditional Statements
- if, else, elif
- Numguess
- if, else, elif
- Iterations
- for
- Fizzbuzz
- while
- for
- Monty Hall Problem
- Ethiopian Multiplication
- Dictionary, Set
- List Comprehension
- Fizzbuzz with List comprehension
- Function
- numguess with function
- Leap year
- Keyword arguments
- args
- kwargs
- File I/O
- Error Handle
- Map, Filter, Lambda
- Procedural Programming
- SCM(Source Code Management)
- try git
- concepts of git
- architecture
- try github
- create account
- your first repo
- add, commit, push