Reading List

Swift books
  1. Swift - Apple [Apple Ebook]
  2. Swift programming - Big Nerd Ranch [Kindle]
  3. Advanced Swift - Chris Eidof and Airspeed Velocity Gumroad
  4. Functional Swift - Chris Eidhof, Florian Kugler, and Wouter Swierstra [Kindle]
  5. Functional reactive programming on iOS - Ash Furrow [To buy]
  6. Obscure topics in ObjC and Swift - Matt Thompson, and Nate Cook Gumroad
Programming books
  1. Clean code - Robert C. Martin [Kindle]
  2. Clean coder - Robert C. Martin [Kindle]
  3. Code complete - Steve McConnell [To buy]
  4. Coders at work - Peter Seibel [To buy]