
🀄 Mahjong seating (tournament grid) generator in Mercury

Primary LanguageMercuryMIT LicenseMIT

Mahjong seating generator in Mercury

What does this program compute?

Tournament grids (player seatings) for the Riichi Mahjong game. Players are represented simply by integers: 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on. The generated results comprise a full tournament schedule, listing tables of every hanchan. Each table lists 4 players. Solutions contain no "intersections": not a single pair of players meet more than once during the whole tournament.

Once compiled, usage is as simple as:

./mjseating -P <NUM_PLAYERS> -H <NUM_HANCHANS>

Be aware that the search will likely take a long time. 24-player-6-hanchan computation been running for 23 to 29 hours on my machine to find any results. Smaller parameters of course will run faster. 20-player-5-hanchan solves in <1s.

You'll find samples of generated seatings under data/. There's also a little python helper script to re-check solution correctness (0 intersections).

Please let me know if you find this useful.


Use mmc (the Melbourne Mercury Compiler):

mmc --grade hlc.gc -O2 mjseating

Tracing (debug logs)

env TRACE=1 ./mjseating -P16 -H4

Debugging with mdb

mmc --grade reg.gc.decldebug.stseg mjseating.m
mdb ./mjseating -P16 -H4

Debugging user guide: https://mercurylang.org/information/doc-release/mercury_user_guide/Debugging.html


Recompile in a profiling grade:

mmc --grade reg.gc.profdeep -O2 mjseating.m

Then run. Deep.data is written.

To view the profile, Mercury provides mdprof... which is a CGI script.

With nginx:

        location /cgi-bin/mdprof {
            # spawn-fcgi -u ulidtko -M777 -s /tmp/mdprof-fcgi.sock -- /usr/bin/fcgiwrap -f
            include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
            fastcgi_read_timeout 5s; # default 60s
            fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /usr/bin/mdprof_cgi;
            fastcgi_pass unix:/tmp/mdprof-fcgi.sock;

and pass full path to Deep.data in the URL, e.g: http://localhost/cgi-bin/mdprof?/home/ulidtko/code/mjseating/Deep.data


  • honest JSON output format
  • progress marks ~every 5 minutes
  • shuffle quads with seed
  • parallelize via searching different shuffles/seeds