
Pixelate faces in photographs

Primary LanguagePython


A tool to blur or pixelize faces in photographs.


To run facpalm script, a suitable environment is required, especially the needed Python packages and the libs they depend on need to be in place. You can create a working runtime environment by following the steps described below.

Create a Python virtual environment:

$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.6 py36

Activate it:

$ source ./py36/bin/activate

Install face_recognition:

(py36) $ pip install face_recognition

Install OpenCV Python bindings:

(py36) $ pip install opencv-python

Now you should be able to import the face_recognition and cv2 packages in Python scripts. You can check like this:

(py36) $ python
>>> import face_recognition
>>> import cv2

You can leave the interpreter pressing CTRL-D. The above imports should not raise any exception.