
WhereWulff: A semi-autonomous workflow for systematic catalyst surface reactivity under reaction conditions

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT




WhereWulff couples deep expertise in Quantum Chemistry and Catalysis with that in workflow engineering, an approach that is slowly gaining traction in the science community [1]. While the advent of massively parallel computing clusters has given rise to a novel way of searching chemical space in a high-throughput manner, we argue that as long as scientists are not equipped with proper software best practices, self-actualization, even when coupled with years of chemical intuition and heavy compute, is limited. In addition to tackling scientific challenges, we expect our open-source workflow to serve a didactic purpose, democratizing access to complex material science pipelines for those in the likes of experimentalists, who would like to corroborate or guide their endeavors but don’t have the formal theoretical and computational training to do it from scratch. Finally, we encourage the scientific community to tap into WhereWulff's modularity in order to plug in other reactivities they might have domain expertise or interest in.

Figure 1. WhereWulff general schema that consists in the bulk workflow to get the equilibrium bulk structure with the most stable magnetic configuration as NM, AFM or FM (Left), and the reactivity workflow that analyzes Wulff Construction, Surface Pourbaix diagram and OER Reactivity for a given material (Right).

As is common practice in the software realm, we leverage pre-existing open-source software packages with the most noteworthy ones being Atomate, FireWorks, Custodian and Pymatgen in order to deliver WhereWulff, which is itself open-sourced. This workflow conducts Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations using the Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package (VASP).


After installing conda, run the following commands to create a new environment named wherewulff and install dependencies.

conda env create -f wherewulff_env.yml
conda activate wherewulff
pip install -e .

WhereWulff main dependencies are FireWorks, Atomate and Pymatgen, that need further installation steps.

FireWorks and Atomate

We refer the user to the Atomate installation documentation to have a deeper explanation on how to set-up FireWorks/Atomate properly.


Pymatgen needs the .pmgrc.yml file to be configured with the VASP pseudopotentials, default DFT functional and the Materials Project API token as:

To configure Pymatgen to find the VASP pseudopotential see POTCAR setup

pmg config --add PMG_VASP_PSP_DIR <MY_PSP>
pmg config --add PMG_DEFAULT_FUNCTIONAL PBE_54

Is always good practice to test if Pymatgen is able to find a given POTCAR file. The following command should create a new POTCAR file for H atom:

pmg potcar -s H -f PBE_54

Don't forget to include your PMG_MAPI_KEY to be able to run the Stability Analysis at the end of the Bulk Workflow.

Your .pmgrc.yml file should look like:


Run the Workflow

The following example is how to load the Bulk Workflow to the launchpad and then submitting how to submit it through the FireWorks command line:

from WhereWulff.launchers.bulkflows import BulkFlows

# CIF file pathway
cif_file = "<<YOUR_CIF_FILE>>"

# BulkFlow method and config
bulk_flow = BulkFlows(bulk_structure=cif_file,

# Get Launchpad
launchpad = bulk_flow.submit(

The Bulk workflow is called through the BulkFlow method which is able to submit the workflow to the launchpad for a given CIF file consisting in a bulk structure of a metal or metal oxide material.

The user needs to provide the CIF file pathway and the configure the workflow in terms of number of deformations for the EOS (Equation of States), the magnetic buffer for non-magnetic species included in the given material and whether to transform the given structure to conventional standrad.

The submit method inside BulkFlows class needs the MongoDB configuration features such as hostname, db_name, port, username and password. We encourage the user to not make public this information.

We encourage the user to use Fireworks webgui to make sure the workflow is properly added to the launchpad. Finally the way to run the workflow through the command line shell is as follows (-m flag is for maximum 5 jobs running in parallel):

qlaunch rapidfire -m 5

The surface chemistry workflow is called through the SlabFlows method which is able to submit the whole worklfow to the launchpad for a given CIF file consisting in a bulk structure.

from WhereWulff.launchers.slabflows import SlabFlows

# CIF file pathway
cif_file = "<<YOUR_CIF_FILE>>"

# slabFlows method and config
slab_flows = SlabFlows(cif_file, exclude_hkl=[(1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1), (0, 0, 1)])

# Get Launchpad
launchpad = slab_flows.submit(

The user needs to provide a CIF file pathway, preferably as a result of running the bulk workflow beforehand so then the bulk structure will be with the equilibrium cell parameters and with the magnetic configuration well defined. SlabFlows can be extensibly configured depending to the user needs see documentation. The submit function inside SlabFlows works in the same way as BulkFlows by providing the required information to being able to connect to the MongoDB database and the launchpad.

Finally, submitting the workflow must be done through the same command as the previous examples:

qlaunch rapidfire -m 5

Example BaSrCo-001

We have included all the input and output files from an end-to-end run of the bulk workflow and WhereWulff on BaSrCo2O6 structure. They are organized as follows and can be found on the example_IO_run branch:

Bulk Optimization: - BaSrCoO_001_bulk folder
Slab Optimization: - BaSrCoO_001_slab folder
Pourbaix Optimizations: - BaSrCoO_001_O_1 for full oxo terminations
                        - BaSrCoO_001_OH_* for all hydroxyl terminations
OER Reactivity Optimizations: - BaSrCoO_001_Co_OH_* for *OH intermediate on clean termination at Co active site
                              - BaSrCoO_001_Co_Ox for *O intermediate on clean termination at Co active site
                              - BaSrCoO_001_Co_OOH_up_* for *OOH up configuration on clean termination at Co active site
                              - BaSrCoO_001_Co_OOH_down_* for *OOH down configuration on clean termination at Co active site

Since the OUTCAR and vasprun.xml files are large, they have been uploaded per LFS protocol. In order to download the contents one needs to have git-lfs installed. Subsequently, to download contents one can run the following command inside the repo: git lfs pull


This work was supported by the National Research Council (NRC) and the Army Research Office (ARO). The authors acknowledge CMU and UofT. This research also used resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility located at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.


WhereWulff is released under the MIT

Citing WhereWulff

If you use this codebase in your work, please consider citing:

title = {WhereWulff: A semi-autonomous workflow for systematic catalyst surface reactivity under reaction conditions},
author = {Rohan Yuri Sanspeur, Javier Heras-Domingo, John R. Kitchin and Zachary Ulissi},
journal = {in preparation},
year = {2023},


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