
CompileIt source code for a bunch of HyperCard XCMDs from the late 90ies.

MIT LicenseMIT


CompileIt source code for a bunch of HyperCard XCMDs from the late 90ies.


To build this, you need

  • HyperCard 2.4.1 (earlier versions of 2.x may work too)
  • CompileIt 2.6.1 (You can get CompileIt! from the original author's web site)
  • A Mac to run it on (or an emulator like Basilisk II or SheepShaver)
  • StuffIt 5 to unpack the .sit files
  • The HyperCard stack in the CheapVersionControl.sit archive in this repository to copy the files back from the data fork into the resource fork, and to convert the source files back from UTF8 with LF to MacRoman with CR line endings. (Its "Revert" button can be used to do this, but you may have to tell your Mac that the c! files are TEXT files using ResEdit or PC Exchange)