
▶️ Gracefully add missing keyboard shortcuts to video players

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

▶️ Playmo

Gracefully add missing keyboard shortcuts to video players

Any decent video player supports standard keyboard shortcuts. At least Space for toggling play state and ◀️ / ▶️ for rewinding/fast-forwarding, respectively.

Unfortunately, all players are not decent, by default. Playmo is here to fill the expectation gap and Make Players Great Again™.

Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcut Description
Space / ⏯️ Toggle play state (play/pause)
(Shift +) ◀️ Rewind 10 (60) seconds
(Shift +) ▶️ Fast-forward 10 (60) seconds
Alt + ◀️ Increase playback rate 10 %
Alt + ▶️ Decrease playback rate 10 %
Alt + Enter Reset playback rate to normal
️🔼 Volume up 10 %
️🔽 Volume down 10 %
M Toggle muted state (mute/unmute)*
F Toggle fullscreen state (full-screen/windowed)
Esc Exit fullscreen mode

* Some sites don't allow toggling mute programatically