This connector makes it possible to connect to a Telldus TellStick to control and recive events from devices and sensors connected to it.
The Telldus Tellstick DUO allows you to control and receive events from a wide range of devices.
Mule 3.6.x
This module has been tested with TellStick DUO.
This connector depends on jstick api and since it is not available in any public maven repo you need to install it into your local maven repository.
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=lib/jstick-api-1.4.jar -DgroupId=net.juppi \
-DartifactId=jstick-api -Dversion=1.4 -Dpackaging=jar
To be able to use this connector you need to have a Tellstick device (standard or DUO) along with telldus-core software running on a Linux box (currently only Linux is supported due to limitation in the jstick-api). The runtime library should be installed in system library path to make life easier.
After this you should be able to build the connector.
For beta connectors you can download the source code and build it with devkit to find it available on your local repository. Then you can add it to Studio…
For released connectors you can download them from the update site in Studio. Open MuleStudio, go to Help → Install New Software and select MuleStudio Cloud Connectors Update Site where you’ll find all avaliable connectors.
#Usage For information about usage our documentation at
We use GitHub:Issues for tracking issues with this connector. You can report new issues at this link
This project contains certain third-party code (including code which may be made available to you in source code form). Ownership, use, warranty and modification rights with respect to any such designated code is listed below.
Copyright (c) 2003-2015 MuleSoft Inc. Powered by Mule. MuleSoft is Open for Integration. License: CPAL-1.0
Copyright (c) 2015 juppinet License: MIT
Copyright (c) 2011 Timothy Wall License: LGPL 2.1 and Apache License 2.0