A java-built Calendar Application
Looking Glass was written as part of a class assignment for CS 3443. Created by Gilbert Ramirez, Yi He, and Zack Ulloa.
- Requires no external files or requirements, besides the the Java SDK 11 or later.
- Make sure to source the inclided .jar file included in the project's lib folder.
- You must create a new user before using this application. To do so, click the Users menu button, and select New User in the menu.
- Appointments can be edited in the month view. To do so, click the day and then right click on the specific event.
- Appointments are user specific and you can choose to hide events from other users by making it 'Private'. Private listed events are not visible to other users for meeting times.
- Weather is from San Antonio and currently cannot be changed.
This program is rolling updates! Currently using version 1.0!