
Allow to use Helm with Kong Chart as Kong Ingress Controller or as just only an API Gateway on kubernetes

Primary LanguageHCL


This repo allow to use Helm with Kong Chart as Kong Ingress Controller or as just only an API Gateway on kubernetes.

Api Kong Gateway Content

Kong Gateway is the world’s most popular open source API gateway, built for multi-cloud and hybrid, and optimized for microservices and distributed architectures

Stable Version

Name Version
Kong Module 0.1.1


Name Version
kubernetes >= 1.16
postgreSQL >= 9.5
terraform >= 0.13
  • Another Ingress Controler (optional)


Name Version URL
Kong Chart 1.12.0 https://github.com/Kong/charts/tree/kong-1.11.0
Kong docker image 2.2.1 https://github.com/Kong/docker-kong/releases/tag/2.2.1
Kong for Kubernetes 0.10 https://konghq.com/blog/kong-for-kubernetes-0-10-released-with-ingress-v1-resource-improved-ingress-class-handling-and-more/

Examples main.tf

Kong as API Gateway
module "kong_apigateway" {
  # Using our module your can set a versions to deploy specific features
  source  = "bennu/kong/helm"
  version = "0.1.1"

  db_host   = var.db_host
  db_name   = var.db_name
  db_pass   = var.db_pass
  db_user   = var.db_user
  namespace = "kong"

  enable_proxy_ingress      = true
  proxy_ingress_hosts       = ["prod.api.xyz.com"]
  proxy_ingress_annotations = { kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "nginx" }
Kong as Ingress Controller
module "kong_ingresscontroller" {
  source  = "bennu/kong/helm"

  db_host = var.db_host
  db_name = var.db_name
  db_pass = var.db_pass
  db_user = var.db_user

  create_ingress_controller = true

  # It is possible to set a definition about the resources quotas of pods,
  # so you only need to declare the request and / or the limits as you need.
  resources = {
    requests = {
      cpu    = "250m"
      memory = "275Mi"
    limits = {
      cpu    = "750m"
      memory = "550Mi"
Custom kong.conf
module "kong" {
  source  = "bennu/kong/helm"

  # we can configure customs values for kong.conf (https://github.com/Kong/kong/blob/master/kong.conf.default)
  # only need to pass a list of names and values using variable "extra_env_configs" as below.
  extra_env_configs = [
      "name"  = "nginx_http_client_header_buffer_size",
      "value" = "16k"
      "name"  = "nginx_http_large_client_header_buffers",
      "value" = "8 64k"
      "name"  = "mem_cache_size",
      "value" = "200m"

Module Variables

Some details about variables for this Kong module.


Name Description Type Default Required
admin_annotations Annotations for the Kong admin service map {} no
admin_ingress_annotations Annotations for Kong admin ingress map {} no
admin_ingress_hostname Kong admin hostname string "admin.local" no
admin_ingress_path Kong admin path on Ingress string "/" no
admin_service_type Kong admin service type on Kubernetes string "ClusterIP" no
autoscaling_cpu_average_usage Cpu average usage for autoscaling number 70 no
autoscaling_max_replicas Number of maximum replicas of pods string 2 no
autoscaling_mem_average_usage Memory average usage for autoscaling number 75 no
autoscaling_min_replicas Number of minimum replicas of pods string 1 no
chart_name Helm chart name for Kong string "kong" no
chart_repository Helm chart repository for Kong string "https://charts.konghq.com" no
chart_extra_set_configs Using a list of maps as [{"name"="foo", "value"="bar"},] to create dynamics blocks of 'set' to merge with values list [] no
chart_version Helm chart version for Kong string "1.11.0" no
create_ingress_controller Create an Kong Ingress Controller bool false no
database_engine Database engine for Kong string "postgres" no
db_host PostgreSQL database hostname string n/a yes
db_name PostgreSQL database name string n/a yes
db_pass PostgreSQL database password string n/a yes
db_port PostgreSQL database port string "5432" no
db_user PostgreSQL database user string n/a yes
enable_admin_ingress Admin exposure using another Ingress Controller bool false no
enable_admin_service Enable Kong admin service bool true no
enable_autoscaling Define if autoscale option is enable for Kong's pods bool false no
enable_proxy_https Enable TLS on Kong proxy service bool false no
enable_proxy_ingress Proxy exposure using another Ingress Controller bool false no
enable_proxy_service Enable Kong proxy service bool true no
extra_env_configs Define a list of maps as [{"name"="foo", "value"="bar"},] to configure customs values for kong.conf list [] no
ingress_controller_install_crds Install CRDS for Kong ingress controller, ONLY if using HELM 2. bool false no
kong_image Kong docker image name string "kong" no
kong_tag Kong docker image tag string "2.2.0" no
name Value for kong name in pods string "" no
namespace Namespace where resources are deployed string "default" no
proxy_annotations Annotations for the Kong proxy service map {} no
proxy_ingress_annotations Annotations for proxy on another Ingress Controller map {} no
proxy_ingress_hosts Proxy Hosts on another Ingress Controller list
proxy_ingress_path Proxy path on another Ingress Controller string "/" no
proxy_service_type Kong proxy service type on Kubernetes string "ClusterIP" no
replica_count Number of Kong pod replicas if autoscaling is not enable string 1 no
resources Define the limits and/or requests on pod resources map {} no


Name Description
ingressclass Kong ingress class name
name Name of helm release for kong
uri_admin_service URI for internal kong admin service