
Project submission for Udacity Data Engineering Nanodegree - Data Pipelines

Primary LanguagePython


Project submission for Udacity Data Engineering Nanodegree - Data Pipelines


This project combines song listen log files with song metadata to facilitate analytics. JSON data residing in S3 is fed trough a data pipeline defined in Apache Airflow. The pipeline stages data into Redshift before inserting data into suitable tables for analysis. Data quality checks are performed before concluding the pipeline. The end result is a Redshift cluster with data organized into a star schema with fact and dimension tables. Analytics queries on the songplays fact table are straightforward, and additional fields can be easily accessed in the four dimension tables users, songs, artists, and time. A star schema is suitable for this application since denormalization is easy, queries can be kept simple, and aggregations are fast.


Python requirements

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Configure Airflow

In airflow.cfg (~/airflow) update dags_folder and plugins_folder to the project subdirectories. Set load_examples = False.

Configure environment

Choose DB/PASSWORD in redshift.cfg.

Create IAM role, Redshift cluster, configure TCP connectivity, and create Redshift tables

$ python create_redshift_cluster.py --query_file create_tables.sql

Start Airflow

$ airflow initdb
$ airflow scheduler
$ airflow webserver

Airflow web UI

Go to Admin > Connections apge and click Create.

On the create connection page, enter the following values:

  • Conn Id: aws_credentials
  • Conn Type: Amazon Web Services
  • Login: <AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID>

Click Save and Add Another

  • Conn Id: redshift
  • Conn Type: Postgres
  • Host: <Redshift cluster endpoint from redshift.cfg>
  • Schema: dev
  • Login: awsuser
  • Password: <Redshift db password from redshift.cfg>
  • Port: 5439

Tear down

Delete IAM role and Redshift cluster

$ python create_cluster.py --delete


Standard DAG DAG graph

DAG with sub-DAG DAG graph