
This is a simple Node express appdeployed to Heroku with CI/CD and also connected to Circle for CI/CD pipeline.

Procedure: Heroku/Github

I cloned my repo on my local

I created a simple BNode express app using "npx express generator"

Then "git add .", "git commit -m "initial commit" and "git push" to push the app code to Github.

Created an new app name on Heroku using thesame name of the Github repo

Heroku, choose Github as build type. Serach for the repo by typing the name and connect the repo on Heroku

For my Node express app, I enabled Node build park on Heroku

Select enable automatic deployment and then click on deploy branch.

This deploys the app on Heroku, and then click on view app to see your app displayed.

Go back to Github and make changes to the app code and this will reflect the change on Heroku if everything goes as planned.

Procedure: Circleci/Github

Add a folder named .circleci and add a file called config.yml to your repo

write a config.yml script for your app, eg node app and make a commit

Head over to Circleci click on add project and the list of your Github repo will be listed.

Choose the repo you will like to build in pipeline and select it.

A build will be triggered immediately

A green build will appear if everything works out fine.

In same manner, if you make any change to the Config.yml script it will automatically trigger another build