
edm and related sources

Primary LanguageC++

###### INSTALLATION NOTES #########

##### EDM Version 1-10-1zd ###########################################
The Makefile has been modified to be more native for EPICS R3.14 builds.
The modifications have been made for Linux only.

### EDM Version 1-7-0c ############################

#### Installing on Solaris 8/9/10 ********************* 

1. Additional software packages required:
   1a. You need "zlib"  for libpng (we use version 1.1.3) 
       -- http://www.gzip.org/zlib/

   1b. You need "libpng" (we use version 1.0.9)
       -- http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html

   1c. You need "giflib" (we use version 4.1.0)
     -- http://prtr-13.ucsc.edu/~badger/software/libungif/giflib.shtml
           note: you may have trouble getting giflib because of licensing issues
           so a src distribution will be placed on the SNS FTP site 
           (ftp://snsftp.sns.ornl.gov/UPLOAD/controls/edm) for your convenience.  
           I think we should use libpng from now on.

2.  Configuration for compiling
   -- To build edm as an EPICS Extensions unzip/untar the distribution in
      the following location: $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src

   -- We are building as an EPICS extension; so modify the files in
      "$EPICS_EXTENSIONS/configure" appropriately for your site 

   -- Note we are using gcc-2.95.2 and GNU make version 3.79.1

   -- Now go for the gusto and compile

3. Run Time Configuration/Setup
   a. Define the following environment variables:
      The $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src/edm/setup directory contains an example color table, font table
      and calc.list file. This directory also contains a setup.sh for Bourne shell users.
      The setup.sh files sets up required environment variables and creates an initial 
      edmObjects and edmPvObjects file.

      EDMPVOBJECTS   "This is the location of a file that describes the path to EPICS
                      PV shared libraries"
      EDMOBJECTS     "This is the location of a file that describes the path to the
                      various EDM shared libraries"
      EDMHELPFILES   " Location of EDM "HELP system"

      EDMFILES       " Location of colors.list, fonts.list, and default.scheme files" 

      EDMDATAFILES   " Default search path for edm screens (analogous to $EPICS_DISPLAY_PATH)

      As an example here is what we set at the SNS: 

      -- EDMOBJECTS=$EPICS_EXTENSIONS/ext_pref/edm
      -- EDMHELPFILES=$EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src/edm/helpFiles
      -- EDMFILES=$EPICS_EXTENSIONS/ext_pref/edm
      -- EDMDATAFILES=./:$IOCTOP/<system1>/opi/edl:$IOCTOP/<system2>/opi/edl

      Also, we will make available the $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/ext_pref/edm as an example.
      This will be tarred up as ext_pref-edm.tar on our ftp site: (ftp://snsftp.sns.ornl.gov/UPLOAD/controls/edm)
      Some of the configuration steps may be discussed in the edm documentation located 
      in the following: $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src/edm/doc
  b.  You do not need to modify LD_LIBRARY_PATH to run edm but make sure you do not
      rename the $EPICS_EXTESIONS/lib/$HOST_ARCH directory. This full path name is
      recorded in the build output executables and libraries and is added to the
      library search directories used by the runtime linker.
#### Installing on Red Hat Linux 7.0/7.1/7.2 *********************

1. Additional software packages required:
   1a. You need "Motif"   (we use openMotif version 2.1.30-6 on RH 7.1)
                          (we use openMotif version 2.1.30-8 on RH 7.1/7.2)
         -- http://www.opengroup.org/openmotif/
   2a. Giflib, zlib, and libpng is part of the general Linux distribution in most cases
2.  Configuration for compiling
    -- To build edm as an EPICS Extensions unzip/untar the distribution in
      the following location: $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src

   -- We are building as an EPICS extension; so modify the files in
      "$EPICS_EXTENSIONS/configure" appropriately for your site

   -- Note we are using gcc-2.96 (Linux native compiler) and GNU make version 3.79.1

   -- Need to make the following softlinks in /usr/include so edm can find motif headers:
      "ln -s ../X11R6/include/Xm  Xm".
      "ln -s ../X11R6/include/X11  X11".

 Note there is already a softlink for X11
   -- Now go for the gusto and compile

3. Run Time Configuration/Setup
   a. Define the following environment variables:
      EDMPVOBJECTS   "This is the location of a file that describes the path to EPICS
                      PV shared libraries"
      EDMOBJECTS     "This is the location of a file that describes the path to the
                      various EDM shared libraries"
      EDMHELPFILES   " Location of EDM "HELP system"

      EDMFILES       " Location of colors.list, fonts.list, and default.scheme files" 

      EDMDATAFILES   " Default search path for edm screens (analogous to $EPICS_DISPLAY_PATH)

      As an example here is what we set at the SNS: 

      -- EDMOBJECTS=$EPICS_EXTENSIONS/ext_pref/edm
      -- EDMHELPFILES=$EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src/edm/helpFiles
      -- EDMFILES=$EPICS_EXTENSIONS/ext_pref/edm
      -- EDMDATAFILES=./:$IOCTOP/<system1>/opi/edl:$IOCTOP/<system2>/opi/edl

      Also, we will make available the $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/ext_pref/edm as an example.
      This will be tarred up as ext_pref-edm.tar on our ftp site: (ftp://snsftp.sns.ornl.gov/UPLOAD/controls/edm)
      Some of the configuration steps may be discussed in the edm documentation located 
      in the following: $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src/edm/doc
  b. Make sure you define LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include $EPICS_EXTESIONS/lib/$HOST_ARCH

#### Installing on Mac OS X 10.4.5 PowerPC *********************

1. Additional software packages required:
   1a. Install Apple's developer tools including the optional X11 SDK
   2a. Make sure you install X11 (Apple provides X11 as an optional installation for Mac OS X and the developer tools)
   3a. You need to download and install darwin ports for other items
	 -- http://darwinports.opendarwin.org/
   4a. Using darwin ports, install openmotif, libungif and libpng
         -- sudo port install openmotif
	 -- sudo port install libungif
	 -- sudo port install libpng
2.  Configuration for compiling
    -- To build edm as an EPICS Extensions unzip/untar the distribution in the following location: $EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src

   -- Make sure your environment variables are setup for EPICS (EPICS base, extensions, EDM, etc).

   -- We are building as an EPICS extension; so modify the files in
      "$EPICS_EXTENSIONS/configure" appropriately for your site (for example, you must specify EPICS_BASE_RELEASE explicitly)
   -- Note we are using gcc-4.0.1 (Apple's version of the Mac OS X native compiler) and GNU make version 3.80
   -- EPICS 3.14.8 is recommended.  If you are using EPICS 3.14.7, you must make sure that "-Ddarwin" flag is passed to the compiler.  Typically you do this by modifying the configuration file:  <base>/configure/os/CONFIG.Common.darwin-ppc  to append the darwin flag as such:   OP_SYS_CPPFLAGS += -Ddarwin

   -- Open the Terminal application and change directory to the EDM source and type "make" to build EDM

3. Run Time Configuration/Setup
   a. Define the following environment variables:
      EDMPVOBJECTS   "This is the location of a file that describes the path to EPICS
                      PV shared libraries"
      EDMOBJECTS     "This is the location of a file that describes the path to the
                      various EDM shared libraries"
      EDMHELPFILES   " Location of EDM "HELP system"

      EDMFILES       " Location of colors.list, fonts.list, and default.scheme files" 

      EDMDATAFILES   " Default search path for edm screens (analogous to $EPICS_DISPLAY_PATH)

      As an example here is what we set at the SNS: 

      -- EDMOBJECTS=$EPICS_EXTENSIONS/ext_pref/edm
      -- EDMHELPFILES=$EPICS_EXTENSIONS/src/edm/helpFiles
      -- EDMFILES=$EPICS_EXTENSIONS/ext_pref/edm
      -- EDMDATAFILES=./:$IOCTOP/<system1>/opi/edl:$IOCTOP/<system2>/opi/edl

Note: Documentation is still under construction.  If you find any problems with this install
      note,  please send e-mail (ernesto@ornl.gov).  I will update the README.install
      Please take a look at the HTML-based edm documentation as well.

Note: Also, edm works with Red Hat 7.3