
Primary LanguageCommon Lisp


Project initialization

New project created with cl-project


(ql:quickload "cl-project") (cl-project:make-project #P"./path-to-project/root/")

Additional explaination

Xach quick-project

Added link as in comment of last URL

“ASDF2's default setup also scans a directory called ~/.local/share/common-lisp/source/, so if you don't mind putting projects there, …”

You don’t have to: just make a symbolic link to your projects directory here. ln -s ~/path/to/my/projects ~/.local/share/common-lisp/source/

ln -s ~/Dev/lisp/src/ ~/.local/share/common-lisp/source/

different solution (by Mark Watson: Loving Lisp)

  • Create the file ∼/.config/common-lisp/source-registry.conf.d/projects.conf if it does not exist on your system
  • Assuming that you have cloned the repository for this book (loving-common-lisp) in your home directory (if you have a special place where you clone git repos, adjust the following), edit this configuration file to look like this:

1 (:tree 2 (:home "loving-common-lisp/src/") 3 )

This will make subdirectories of loving-common-lisp/src/ load-able by using Quicklisp.

Start development in Slime

(ql:quickload :raytracer)

,in-package raytracer


To run this test file, execute `(asdf:test-system :raytracer)' in your Lisp.

Or, start stand-alone SBCL, load test-package

(ql:quickload :raytracer/tests)

and run tests with

(rove:run :raytracer/tests)


(asdf:operate 'asdf:test-op :raytracer)


(ql:quickload :raytracer)

(load "main.lisp")


Turn on debugging

Turn off optimiztions to see all steps in (step (function....)):

(declaim (optimize (speed 0) (space 0) (debug 3)))

Recompilation and break

  • Insert dynamically (break)

  • Point to a frame and press 'r' to restart on frame


  • Right click on object like #<POINT {10031070F3}>, or C-c C-v TAB

  • Use object like (point-x #<POINT {10031070F3}>)

  • SPC mgg to edit defintion at point

  • M-, to return to last point

  • M-n, and M-p to jump thru notes of compile warnings

  • ,h < who calls

  • ,hH Hyperspec of function at point

Slime Trace Dialog

  • Trace function with C-c C-t, while on the function name.

  • C-c, C-t to untrace.

  • After execution, call Trace Dialog with C-c T.

  • "Fetch next batch"

Redefining classes

  • (find-class 'point)
  • Update-instance-for-redefined-class to redefine a class dynamically
