- 0
Requirements show wrong requirements text depending on requirements openend in other windows
#262 opened by Langenfeld - 0
Tag color ignored in Tags table
#261 opened by hauff - 0
Autocomplete for observables not working
#260 opened by Langenfeld - 17
Boogie program
#252 opened by wzq179 - 0
Include Revision number in Excel Export
#259 opened by Langenfeld - 0
Variable is not used for the requirement but requirement is displayed in "Used By"
#258 opened by onsah - 0
Variable Retyping missing error message
#257 opened by lf274 - 4
Hanfor with Ultimate
#251 opened by xxrlzzz - 0
Renaming Variables can alter other variables
#255 opened by tkolzer - 1
Renaming an Enumerator is not possible
#254 opened by hauff - 0
Boolean type inference doesn't work with `&&` and `||` when both variables are new
#253 opened by onsah - 0
- 0
Incomplete documentation to launch a Hanfor session
#249 opened by henkele - 0
Tags API fails for get singel tag
#246 opened by tkolzer - 3
Hanfor's Specification Language
#244 opened by Eevan-zq - 0
Fix typos in pattern names
#243 opened by hauff - 0
- 1
hanfor development documentation
#240 opened by jokey66 - 5
Duration Calcus to PEA
#235 opened by Eevan-zq - 1
Variable mass-import
#239 opened by Langenfeld - 0
Refactor variables api using blueprints
#242 opened by hauff - 1
Reqirements Modal > Formalizations: No Word wrapping implemented or it is not working
#238 opened by hauff - 0
- 0
Requirements Modal > Pattern: Sorting
#237 opened by hauff - 1
Implement functions (e.g. `abs()`)
#230 opened by hauff - 0
Variables pagination jumps back to page 1 after editing
#210 opened by hauff - 7
Hanfor's Specification language
#232 opened by Eevan-zq - 0
Check CSV well-formedness on initial load
#234 opened by Langenfeld - 0
- 0
Possibly incorrect clock invariant
#227 opened by hauff - 7
ReqAnalyser error
#231 opened by Eevan-zq - 5
About UReqcheck-linux
#228 opened by Eevan-zq - 4
import example_blueprint package error
#226 opened by Eevan-zq - 0
- 0
- 1
Adding a constraint to variable discards changes made to a previous added constraint
#221 opened by hauff - 1
- 1
- 1
- 0
Formalization with variable in time-expression are not tagged with warning- or error-tag
#225 opened by henkele - 0
'Type_inference_error' tag comment only shows the description of the last error if requirement has more than one formalization with ti-error
#223 opened by henkele - 0
Type inference check reports error when using integer value for time expression
#224 opened by henkele - 0
Formalizations that contain variables with unknown type should be tagged somehow
#216 opened by hauff - 0
Autocomplete doesn't work with brackets
#213 opened by hauff - 0
Formalization with Scope set to None should be tagged with incomplete_formalization
#215 opened by hauff - 1
Add commenting feature to tags
#218 opened by Langenfeld - 0
Inputs min, max for variables
#220 opened by hauff - 2
Durations S, T should be cast to real internally
#217 opened by hauff - 0
Modals allow background scrolling
#211 opened by hauff - 0
Hanfor's update procedure is missing from the docs
#209 opened by hauff