
Have you ever wondered if you could write in air?
With airboard you can do so. Airboard uses web-cam to track hand movements of a user, and draws the figure accordingly.


This app is an open source project, to contribute you should follow these steps.


You must have python installed on your pc.

1. Fork the Repository

To contribute, fork this repository to your own github account.

2. Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd Air-Board

3. Setting up project locally

To create virtual environment

python -m venv <ENVIRONMENT_NAME>

for e.g.

python -m venv env

To activate virtual environment


To install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

4. Start the flask server for running backend

python -m flask run

5. Start Coding

Now you can start working on the existing issues and send PR's/

Other useful commands

To create / update requirements.txt

pip freeze > requirements.txt

Project Status

This project is currently in the development stage.
The /templates folder contains some basic frontend template. And file contains all the code that is used for detecting a hand movements from image frames, and drawing it on a canvas. Now the problem with this approach is that with the current status, we can't deploy our project in real world. Because, we need to grab images from the client side, and then send it to our backend, where it can track the hand movement and send it back to the client, where we can represent the marked movements.
So we need to design a backend server in flask that can accept images from client, and then perform computations and return the processed image. We will also need to make necessary changes on the frontend side, that can accept user images using a webcam, and then send it to our backend server.