Primary LanguageJavaScript

LBMS - This is a book library

How to contribute

Clone the project

  1. Fork the project to your repository
  2. Clone de project using: git clone url/of/your/repository.com
  3. Install dependencies using: npm i
  4. Create a branch with this format "feature_username"
  5. Start the project with: npm run start:dev
  6. Code your contriobutions
  7. Commit changes
  8. Make pull request
  9. Await for review & approvement

Set up database

  1. Install mongoDB
  2. Create a databse
  3. Create a .env file
  4. Copy and paste .env.example to your .env file and change "your_database_name" string with the name of the databse you created LOCAL_DB_CONNECT="mongodb://localhost:27020/your_database_name"