Welcome to Poogle_backend 👋

To run this server locally


  1. Please install mongodb on your pc;
  2. In your PC create folder and name it mongodb move into it and create folder data (if haven't already done so) this will store all databases of your mongodb.
  3. Then cd to mongodb.
  4. Run following command in the terminal. mongod --dbpath=data --bind_ip
  5. This will start mongo server to serve up data from and into data folder.

Setting up env

Make .env folder in root directory of this project and enter the following values


Running app

Run following command to open server in nodemon.

npm run dev

Now run following commands in the terminal in the root directory of this project:

  1. npm install
  2. npm start. To start the server using nodemon, you can use npm run dev instead
  3. Open a new terminal and run mongo
    This will open mongo REPL shell. You can use command show dbs
    This will show you a database as "poogle-api". This will be database for our project ..
  4. Link for Frontend repo:

    Frontend: https://github.com/bhaveshkumarpassi/Poogle

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