
A small jQuery plugin that returns all the data from a set of inputs in a structured format.



A small jQuery plugin that returns all the data from a set of inputs in a structured format.


In your HTML, set your name attribute to what you would like to call your input:

<input type="email" name="userEmail">

Basic usage:

var data = $('input').collectData();

Will yield this object:

{"userEmail": "whateveremail@youtypedin.com"}

Optionally, you may provide a structure so that the function knows to push values into an array:

var structure = {myVals: []}
    , data = $('input').collectData(structure)

In the code sample above, for each input with a name of myVals, your output would look like:

{"myVals": ["value1", "value2", "etc"], "otherInput1": "value", "etc": "and etc" }