Example of the TrackerReact mixin in action

To test it out, run the following:

git clone https://github.com/ultimatejs/tracker-react-todos-example.git
cd tracker-react-todos-example

Here is a simplified example of the noteworthy code in this repo (check app.jsx for the in depth version):

App = React.createClass({
    mixins: [TrackerReact],

	//tracker-based reactivity in action, no need for `getMeteorData`!
    tasks() {
        return Tasks.find({}).fetch(); //fetch must be called to trigger reactivity
	//state-based reactivity working in conjunection with tracker-based reactivity.
	//track render autoruns are kept up to date!
    title() {
		return this.state && this.state.title ? `(${this.state.title})` : ``;
	render() {
		return (

				  	  {this.tasks().map((task) => {
						  return <Task key={task._id} task={task} />;

Please test and find issues. Pull requests, welcome. To add the TrackerReact mixin to another project, run:

meteor add ultimatejs:tracker-react

ADDITIONAL INFO: TrackerReact was birthed out of Sideburns. The goal of TrackerReact is to solved dynamic runtime needs that can't be solved at transpilation time. To learn more about it, checkout: https://github.com/ultimatejs/tracker-react