This is a powerful utility to convert and validate JSON value for TypeScript. The main purposes of this library is to enforce JSON schemas and make it
able to use instanceof
to determine the type of JSON value.
The original source code of this package came from
- ES2015
- reflect-metadata
Create a model to represent a JSON object:
import { JsonClass, JsonProperty } from '@ultimicro/json-mapper';
class Foo {
v1: string;
@JsonProperty({ type: Number }) // nullable type required to specify type explicitly
v2: number | null;
@JsonProperty({ args: [String] })
v3: string[];
@JsonProperty({ args: [Date] })
v4: Map<string, Date>;
@JsonProperty({ optional: true })
v5?: Date;
constructor(v1: string, v2: number | null, v3: string[], v4: Map<string, Date>) {
this.v1 = v1;
this.v2 = v2;
this.v3 = v3;
this.v4 = v4;
import { fromJSON } from '@ultimicro/json-mapper';
const json = JSON.parse('{"v1": "abc", "v2": 123, "v3": ["foo"], "v4": "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000Z"}');
const model = fromJSON(json, Foo);
import { toJSON } from '@ultimicro/json-mapper';
const model = new Foo('abc', 123, ['foo']);
const str = toJSON(model);
const obj = toJSON(model, false); // invoke JSON.stringify(obj) to get JSON string
import { InvalidProperty, JsonArray, JsonClass, JsonObject, JsonScalar, MappingContext } from '@ultimicro/json-mapper';
@JsonClass({ reader: readBar, writer: writeBar })
class Bar {
constructor(readonly value: string) {
function readBar(ctx: MappingContext, json: JsonScalar | JsonObject | JsonArray): Bar {
if (typeof json !== 'string') {
throw new InvalidProperty(`Expect string, got ${typeof json}.`, ctx.currentPath());
return new Bar(json);
function writeBar(ctx: MappingContext, obj: Bar): JsonScalar | JsonObject | JsonArray {
return obj.value;
import { configClass, configProperty } from '@ultimicro/json-mapper';
import { SomeClass } from 'somelib';
// the bottom code MUST run exactly one
configClass(SomeClass); // use the second argument to specify custom reader/writer to treat this class as a single value like the above example
configProperty(SomeClass, { name: 'prop1', type: String }); // you can use any additional options that are available on JsonProperty
// now you can use SomeClass as a JSON model anywhere
import { InvalidProperty, JsonClass, JsonProperty, JsonValue, MappingContext, Type } from '@ultimicro/json-mapper';
class Foo {
@JsonProperty({ discriminator: getValueType })
v1: string | number | null;
constructor(v1: string | number | null) {
this.v1 = v1;
function getValueType(ctx: MappingContext, obj: Foo, json: JsonValue): Type | { type: Type, required?: boolean } {
if (json === null) {
return null;
// you can access all PREVIOUS properties of your class here
switch (typeof json) {
case 'string':
return String;
case 'number':
return Number;
throw new InvalidProperty(`Unknown value ${typeof json}.`, ctx.currentPath());
Polymorphism work by constructing a base object then invoke getType
after mapping is completed to get a constructor of the real value, which will
get invoked afterward and map all remaining properties. Then the properties of the base object will be moved to the real value except if it is marked
with movable: false
import { Constructor, GenericClass, InvalidProperty, JsonClass, JsonProperty, MappingContext, PolymorphismObject } from '@ultimicro/json-mapper';
const enum ValueType {
Foo = 0,
Bar = 1
abstract class Base implements PolymorphismObject {
constructor(type: ValueType) {
this.type = type;
getType(ctx: MappingContext): Constructor | GenericClass {
switch (this.type) {
case ValueType.Foo:
return Foo;
case ValueType.Bar:
return Bar;
throw new InvalidProperty(`Unknown type ${this.type}.`, ctx.pathFor('type'));
@JsonProperty({ movable: false }) // we don't need to move this value due to the derived class explicitly assign it via constructor
private type: ValueType;
class Foo extends Base {
v1: string;
constructor(v1: string) {
this.v1 = v1;
class Bar extends Base {
v1: number;
constructor(v1: number) {
this.v1 = v1;
import { JsonClass, JsonProperty } from '@ultimicro/json-mapper';
class Foo<T1, T2> {
@JsonProperty({ type: 0 })
v1: T1;
@JsonProperty({ type: 1, required: false })
v2: T2 | null;
constructor(v1: T1, v2: T2 | null) {
this.v1 = v1;
this.v2 = v2;
class Bar {
@JsonProperty({ args: [String, Number] })
v1: Foo<string, number>;
@JsonProperty({ args: [{ type: String, required: false }, Number] })
v2: Foo<string | null, number>;
constructor(v1: Foo<string, number>, v2: Foo<string | null, number>) {
this.v1 = v1;
this.v2 = v2;
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