
GLMaze is a Windows 95 Maze screensaver clone written in C using OpenGL.

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION


Travis-CI Status AppVeyor Status Release License: zlib

GLMaze is a cross-platform clone of the classic Windows 95 3D maze screensaver.

Be mesmerized as you walk through the seemingly endless maze, trying to find the exit. Pass a pyramid to turn your world upside down, but watch out for the puddles of water on the ground. You can even enter night vision to make you feel like a real spy.

Screenshot with Nightvision Screenshot Screenshot with Nightvision and Motion Blur

Getting Started

This project was created as a graphic demo to test the OpenGL 2.0 pipeline using SDL2 on Linux, Mac, and Windows. We included several shaders, such as motion blur, night vision as well as a 3D side-by-side mode.

The latest binary releases can be found here or you can build the project yourself.


GLMaze requires cmake for compilation and depends on several third-party open source libraries:


  • build-essential





If you haven't already, install the build-essentials and cmake, e.g.

sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake

Install all required libraries using your preferred package manager, e.g.

sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev libfreeimage-dev libglew-dev

Next create your build directory inside the GLMaze folder and run cmake .., e.g.

mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..

Finally run make to compile the project.


If you haven't already, install Xcode and cmake.

Download the latest SDL2 Development Library and copy the SDL2.framework framework into /Library/Frameworks.

Use homebrew to install the rest of the libraries, e.g.

brew install freeimage glew

Next create your build directory inside the GLMaze folder and run cmake ... This creates a UNIX Makefile; to create a Xcode project file instead, use cmake -G "Xcode" .., e.g.

mkdir build && cd build && cmake -G "Xcode" ..

Finally run make or open up the Xcode project, select the GLMaze target, and hit run.


Visual Studio

If you haven't already, install Visual Studio and cmake.

Download the latest libraries, place them in your preferred location, and set their path as environment variables (SDL2, FREEIMAGE, GLEW).

Next create your build directory inside the GLMaze folder and run cmake ... To specify the Visual Studio version and build architecture use cmake -G "Visual Studio followed by version, year, and architecture, e.g. 12 2013 Win64" ...

Finally open up the GLMaze solution and hit build.


You can change the resolution and turn on fullscreen using the config.txt file. To load your own Shaders, place the files in the Shader subdirectory and add them to pp_pipeline separated by ; like so Filename;Hotkey.


Copyright © 2018 by ultitech


This project is licensed under the zlib License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details.


Thanks to Microsoft for allowing us to spend countless hours being mesmerized by a screensaver when we were kids.