
Before moving on, please consider giving us a GitHub star ⭐️. Thank you! 90% of the source code is private, but you can use it because all the products I have developed are published in the packages brew and release.

sisakulint logo

install macOS user

$ brew tap ultra-supara/homebrew-sisakulint
$ brew install sisakulint

install from release page for Linux user

# visit release page of this repository and download for yours.
$ cd < sisakulintがあるところ >
$ mv ./sisakulint /usr/local/bin/sisakulint

Usage test

Create a file called test.yaml in the .github/workflows directory or go to your repository where your workflows file is located.

name: Upload Release Archive

      - "v[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+"

    name: Upload Release Asset
    runs-on: macos-latest
          SIIISA=AAKUUU: foo
      - name: Set version
        id: version
        run: |
          REPOSITORY=$(echo ${{ github.repository }} | sed -e "s#.*/##")
          echo ::set-output name=filename::$REPOSITORY-$VERSION
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          submodules: true
      - name: Archive
        run: |
          zip -r ${{ steps.version.outputs.filename }}.zip ./ -x "*.git*"
      - run: echo 'Commit is pushed'
        # ERROR: It is always evaluated to true
        if: |
          ${{ github.event_name == 'push' }}
      - name: Create Release
        id: create_release
        uses: actions/create-release@v1
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          FOO=BAR: foo
          FOO BAR: foo
          tag_name: ${{ github.ref }}
          release_name: Release ${{ github.ref }}
          draft: false
          prerelease: false
      - name: Upload Release Asset
        id: upload-release-asset
        uses: actions/upload-release-asset@v1
          upload_url: ${{ steps.create_release.outputs.upload_url }}
          asset_path: ./${{ steps.version.outputs.filename }}.zip
          asset_name: ${{ steps.version.outputs.filename }}.zip
          asset_content_type: application/zip

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # ERROR: "checks" is correct scope name
      check: write
      # ERROR: Available values are "read", "write" or "none"
      issues: readable
      - run: echo '${{ "hello" }}'
      - run: echo "${{ toJson(hashFiles('**/lock', '**/cache/') }}"
      - run: echo '${{ github.event. }}'

  run shell:
      - run: echo 'hello'

execute following commands

$ sisakulint -h
$ sisakulint -debug

you will likely receive the following result...

[sisaku:🤔] linting repository... .
[sisaku:🤔] Detected project: /Users/para/go/src/
[sisaku:🤔] the number of corrected yaml file 1 yaml files
[sisaku:🤔] validating workflow... .github/workflows/a.yaml
[sisaku:🤔] Detected project: /Users/para/go/src/
[linter mode] no configuration file
[sisaku:🤔] parsed workflow in 2 0 ms .github/workflows/a.yaml
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitStep was tooking line:61,col:9 steps, at step "2024-03-10 15:51:10.192583 +0900 JST m=+0.006376196" took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitStep was tooking line:62,col:9 steps, at step "2024-03-10 15:51:10.192746 +0900 JST m=+0.006539807" took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitStep was tooking line:63,col:9 steps, at step "2024-03-10 15:51:10.19276 +0900 JST m=+0.006553743" took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitJobPost was tooking 3 jobs, at job "test" took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitStep was tooking 3 steps took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitJobPre took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitStep was tooking line:67,col:9 steps, at step "2024-03-10 15:51:10.192781 +0900 JST m=+0.006574644" took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitJobPost was tooking 1 jobs, at job "run shell" took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitStep was tooking 1 steps took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitJobPre took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitStep was tooking line:15,col:9 steps, at step "2024-03-10 15:51:10.192799 +0900 JST m=+0.006592356" took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitStep was tooking line:20,col:9 steps, at step "2024-03-10 15:51:10.192825 +0900 JST m=+0.006618901" took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitStep was tooking line:25,col:9 steps, at step "2024-03-10 15:51:10.192845 +0900 JST m=+0.006638101" took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitStep was tooking line:28,col:9 steps, at step "2024-03-10 15:51:10.192854 +0900 JST m=+0.006647451" took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitStep was tooking line:32,col:9 steps, at step "2024-03-10 15:51:10.192865 +0900 JST m=+0.006658325" took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitStep was tooking line:44,col:9 steps, at step "2024-03-10 15:51:10.192878 +0900 JST m=+0.006671659" took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitJobPost was tooking 6 jobs, at job "build" took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitStep was tooking 6 steps took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitJobPre took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitWorkflowPost took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitJob was tooking 3 jobs took 0 ms
[SyntaxTreeVisitor] VisitWorkflowPre took 0 ms
[linter mode] env-var found 1 errors
[linter mode] id found 1 errors
[linter mode] permissions found 2 errors
[linter mode] workflow-call found 0 errors
[linter mode] expression found 3 errors
[linter mode] deprecated-commands found 1 errors
[linter mode] cond found 1 errors
[linter mode] missing-timeout-minutes found 3 errors
[linter mode] issue-injection found 5 errors
[sisaku:🤔] Found total 19 errors found in 0 found in ms .github/workflows/a.yaml
.github/workflows/a.yaml:9:3: timeout-minutes is not set for job build; see for more details. [missing-timeout-minutes]
      9 👈|  build:
.github/workflows/a.yaml:13:11: Environment variable name '"SIIISA=AAKUUU"' is not formatted correctly. Please ensure that it does not include characters such as '&', '=', or spaces, as these are not allowed in variable names. [env-var]
       13 👈|          SIIISA=AAKUUU: foo
.github/workflows/a.yaml:17:14: workflow command "set-output" was deprecated. You should use `echo "{name}={value}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT` reference: [deprecated-commands]
       17 👈|        run: |
.github/workflows/a.yaml:18:14: Direct use of ${{ ... }} in run steps; Use env instead. see also [issue-injection]
       18 👈|          REPOSITORY=$(echo ${{ github.repository }} | sed -e "s#.*/##")
.github/workflows/a.yaml:27:14: Direct use of ${{ ... }} in run steps; Use env instead. see also [issue-injection]
       27 👈|          zip -r ${{ steps.version.outputs.filename }}.zip ./ -x "*.git*"
.github/workflows/a.yaml:30:13: The condition '${{ github.event_name == 'push' }}
' will always evaluate to true. If you intended to use a literal value, please use ${{ true }}. Ensure there are no extra characters within the ${{ }} brackets in conditions. [cond]
       30 👈|        if: |
.github/workflows/a.yaml:35:9: unexpected key "env" for "element of \"steps\" sequence" section. expected one of  [syntax]
       35 👈|        env:
.github/workflows/a.yaml:53:3: timeout-minutes is not set for job test; see for more details. [missing-timeout-minutes]
       53 👈|  test:
.github/workflows/a.yaml:57:7: unknown permission scope "check". all available permission scopes are "actions", "checks", "contents", "deployments", "discussions", "id-token", "issues", "packages", "pages", "pull-requests", "repository-projects", "security-events", "statuses" [permissions]
       57 👈|      check: write
.github/workflows/a.yaml:59:15: The value "readable" is not a valid permission for the scope "issues". Only 'read', 'write', or 'none' are acceptable values. [permissions]
       59 👈|      issues: readable
.github/workflows/a.yaml:61:14: Direct use of ${{ ... }} in run steps; Use env instead. see also [issue-injection]
       61 👈|      - run: echo '${{ "hello" }}'
.github/workflows/a.yaml:61:24: got unexpected char '"' while lexing expression, expecting 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '_', '0'..'9', '', '}', '(', ')', '[', ']', '.', '!', '<', '>', '=', '&', '|', '*', ',', ' '. do you mean string literals? only single quotes are available for string delimiter [expression]
       61 👈|      - run: echo '${{ "hello" }}'
.github/workflows/a.yaml:62:14: Direct use of ${{ ... }} in run steps; Use env instead. see also [issue-injection]
       62 👈|      - run: echo "${{ toJson(hashFiles('**/lock', '**/cache/') }}"
.github/workflows/a.yaml:62:65: unexpected end of expression, while parsing arguments of function call, expected ",", ")" [expression]
       62 👈|      - run: echo "${{ toJson(hashFiles('**/lock', '**/cache/') }}"
.github/workflows/a.yaml:63:14: Direct use of ${{ ... }} in run steps; Use env instead. see also [issue-injection]
       63 👈|      - run: echo '${{ github.event. }}'
.github/workflows/a.yaml:63:38: unexpected end of expression, while parsing expected an object property dereference (like 'a.b') or an array element dereference (like 'a.*'), expected "IDENT", "*" [expression]
       63 👈|      - run: echo '${{ github.event. }}'
.github/workflows/a.yaml:65:3: "runs-on" section is missing in job "run shell" [syntax]
       65 👈|  run shell:
.github/workflows/a.yaml:65:3: Invalid job ID "run shell". job IDs must start with a letter or '_', and may contain only alphanumeric characters, '-', or '_'. [id]
       65 👈|  run shell:
.github/workflows/a.yaml:65:3: timeout-minutes is not set for job run shell; see for more details. [missing-timeout-minutes]
       65 👈|  run shell:

Try rego query from CI integration

I partially cut out the opa cli part of the query processing that is combined with the static analysis processing. set your .github/workflows dir any name (example : query.yaml)

name: policy check for oss repo from GitHub Actions
on: [push]

    name: opa cli
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Checkout sisakulint Repository
      uses: actions/checkout@v2
        repository: ultra-supara/homebrew-sisakulint
        path: sisakulint

    - name: Install OPA
      run: |
        curl -L -o opa
        chmod +x opa
        sudo mv opa /usr/local/bin/

    - name: Run OPA Policy Check
      run: |
        git clone
        cd homebrew-sisakulint/script
        echo "-------start---------"
        opa eval --format pretty --data commitsha.rego --input commitsha.yaml "data.core.missing_action_ref_sha_warnings" --explain=full
        echo "---------------------"
        opa eval --format pretty --data credential.rego --input credential.yaml "data.core.check_credentials" --explain=full
        echo "---------------------"
        opa eval --format pretty --data imagetag.rego --input imagetag.yaml "data.core.missing_image_tag_warnings" --explain=full
        echo "---------------------"
        opa eval --format pretty --data jobsecrets.rego --input jobsecrets.yaml "data.core.missing_secrets_warnings" --explain=full
        echo "---------------------"
        opa eval --format pretty --data permission.rego --input permission.yaml "data.core.missing_permissions_warnings" --explain=full
        echo "---------------------"
        opa eval --format pretty --data issueinjection.rego --input issueinjection.yaml "data.core.deny" --explain=full
        echo "---------------------"
        opa eval --format pretty --data pull_req_title.rego --input pull_req_title.yaml "data.core.deny" --explain=full
        echo "---------------------"
        opa eval --format pretty --data supply_chain_protection.rego --input supply_chain_protection.yaml "data.core.generate_error_messages" --explain=full
        echo "---------------------"
        opa eval --format pretty --data timeout-minutes.rego --input timeout-minutes.yaml "data.core.missing_timeout_warnings" --explain=full
        echo "---------------------"
        opa eval --format pretty --data untrusted_image.rego --input untrusted_image.yaml "data.core.deny" --explain=full
        echo "--------end----------"

JSON schema for GitHub Actions syntax

paste yours settings.json

 "yaml.schemas": {
     "https://ultra-supara/homebrew-sisakulint/settings.json": "/.github/workflows/*.{yml,yaml}"


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