- 2
Please deprecate the COCO to YOLO methods.
#112 opened by csbrown - 21
- 2
update the tags in git repository
#107 opened by KennyRAS - 11
How to use this repo ?
#98 opened by ShreyasChhetri - 14
Coco-wholebody conversion not working
#109 opened by Gnoot01 - 20
- 3
TypeError: must be real number, not NoneType
#106 opened by stu0440 - 1
- 15
- 4
Labelbox2YOLO Json.load issue
#102 opened by gruberanthony - 3
Yolov8 rejecting labels during
#94 opened by palmcorp - 1
Using CVAT as an annotation tool, when running ‘export task dataset” in two different formats, COCO 1.0 is missing labels
#93 opened by palmcorp - 11
Explanation of results
#85 opened by the-it-weirdo - 7
- 10
- 3
- 1
- 15
Convert coco segment to yolo segment
#49 opened by AISoltani - 8
Code is running but the results are not are not saved
#54 opened by Aryanjb - 6
Empty and Missing labels after conversion
#44 opened by henrikuayezee - 1
KeyError: 'iscrowd'
#83 opened by Mary14-design - 3
- 1
Issue with saving txt file
#80 opened by zvonimirkonjevic - 5
Labelme2Yolo ?
#57 opened by monkeycc - 3
A tutorial or some examples?
#78 opened by wzm2256 - 0
coco2yolo error
#69 opened by QYY66666 - 3
No .yaml file?
#60 opened by grandonblake - 1
- 5
TypeError: string indices must be integers
#55 opened by potSm0ker - 1
- 1
different json format to YoloV5 format
#32 opened by shwetarksd - 1
cant open the file
#29 opened by jyothisjkj - 1
- 1
#48 opened by 2068143233 - 1
Multi-class labeling
#51 opened by blackCmd - 2
- 3
Does yolo take polygon annotation files?
#13 opened by Laudarisd - 3
- 2
An output directory should be added
#31 opened by monkeycc - 2
- 5
There are absolutely no explanations on how to run the code or what parameters one should use
#53 opened by matheth - 4
- 5
conversion to yolov5
#14 opened by laviadin - 6
can this coco format be converted to YOLO?
#19 opened by shivprasad94 - 2
alternative method- COCO json to YOLO
#22 opened by barney2074 - 5
Converting Labelbox segmentation json to coco
#39 opened by DeTandtThibaut - 2
#52 opened by sarasilva-digitalsense - 1
- 1
- 1
A question about coco128-seg.ymal
#33 opened by CVer2022