
Lightweight library for WhatsApp API to send the whatsappp messages in nodejs provided by ultramsg.com

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Ultramsg.com WhatsApp API nodejs SDK

Lightweight library for WhatsApp API to send the whatsappp messages in nodejs provided by Ultramsg.com


npm i ultramsg-whatsapp-api

Example usage

const ultramsg = require('ultramsg-whatsapp-api');
const instance_id= "instance1150" // Ultramsg.com instance id
const ultramsg_token= "tof7lsdJasdloaa57e"  // Ultramsg.com token
const api = new ultramsg(instance_id,ultramsg_token);
(async function () {
    var to = "put_your_mobile_number_here"
    var body = "Hello world" 
    const response = await api.sendChatMessage(to,body);

NOTE: you need replace instance_id and token with yours in ultramsg.com account if you don't have account create one from here

Send Message

  • to : your number for testing with international format e.g. +14155552671 or chatID for contact or group e.g 14155552671@c.us or 14155552671-441234567890@g.us
  • body : Message text, UTF-8 or UTF-16 string with emoji .
  • priority : This parameter is optional,

You can use it to create a professional queue for messages, The Messages with less priority value are sent first.

example of usage :

priority = 0: for High priority like OTP messages.

priority = 5: used with general messages.

priority =10: Non-urgent promotional offers and notifications to your customers.

Default value : 10

  • referenceId : Your custom reference ID for this message.
var to="put_your_mobile_number_here"; 
var body="Hello world";
var priority=10;
var referenceId="SDK";
const response = await api.sendChatMessage(to,body,priority,referenceId);

Send Image

  • caption : image Caption, UTF-8 or UTF-16 string with emoji .
  • image : HTTP link image or base64-encoded file

Supported extensions ( jpg , jpeg , gif , png , svg , webp , bmp ) .

Max file size : 16MB .

Max Base64 length : 2,000,000

  • nocache : default false

false : use a previously uploaded file instead of uploading it with each request

true : uploading it each request

var to="put_your_mobile_number_here"; 
var caption="image Caption"; 
var image="https://file-example.s3-accelerate.amazonaws.com/images/test.jpg"; 
var priority=10;
var referenceId="SDK"
var nocache=false; 
const response = await api.sendImageMessage(to,caption,image,priority,referenceId,nocache);

Send Document

  • filename : File name, for example 1.jpg or Hello.pdf
  • document : HTTP link file or base64-encoded file

Supported most extensions like ( zip , xlsx , csv , txt , pptx , docx ....etc ) .

Max file size : 100MB .

Max Base64 length : 2,000,000

var to="put_your_mobile_number_here"; 
var filename="cv.pdf"; 
var document="https://file-example.s3-accelerate.amazonaws.com/documents/cv.pdf"; 
const response = await api.sendDocumentMessage(to,filename,document);

Send Audio

  • audio : HTTP link audio or base64-encoded audio

Supported extensions ( mp3 , aac , ogg ) .

Max file size : 16MB .

Max Base64 length : 2,000,000

var to="put_your_mobile_number_here"; 
var audio="https://file-example.s3-accelerate.amazonaws.com/audio/2.mp3"; 
const response = await api.sendAudioMessage(to,audio);

Send Voice

  • audio : HTTP link audio ogg-file with opus codec or base64 ogg-file in opus codec

Max file size : 16MB .

Max Base64 length : 2,000,000

var to="put_your_mobile_number_here"; 
var audio="https://file-example.s3-accelerate.amazonaws.com/voice/oog_example.ogg"; 
const response = await api.sendVoiceMessage(to,audio);

Send Video

  • video : HTTP link video or base64-encoded video

Supported extensions ( mp4 , 3gp , mov ) .

Max file size : 16MB .

Max Base64 length : 2,000,000

var to="put_your_mobile_number_here"; 
var caption="video Caption"; 
var video="https://file-example.s3-accelerate.amazonaws.com/video/test.mp4"; 
const response = await api.sendVideoMessage(to,caption,video);

Send Link

  • link : HTTP or HTTPS link
var to="put_your_mobile_number_here"; 
var link="https://ultramsg.com"; 
const response = await api.sendLinkMessage(to,link);

Send Contact

  • contact :Contact ID or Contact IDs array example :





Max length : 300 char, almost 15 contacts

var to="put_your_mobile_number_here"; 
var contact="14000000001@c.us"; 
const response = await api.sendContactMessage(to,contact);

Send Location

  • address : Text under the location.

Supports two lines. To use two lines, use the \n symbol.

Max length : 300 char .

  • lat : Latitude
  • lng : longitude
var to="put_your_mobile_number_here"; 
var address="ABC company \n Sixth floor , office 38"; 
var lat="25.197197"; 
var lng="55.2721877"; 
const response = await api.sendLocationMessage(to,address,lat,lng);

Send Vcard

  • vcard : Text value vcard 3.0

Max length : 4096 char

var to="put_your_mobile_number_here"; 
var vcard=`BEGIN:VCARD
FN:firstname lastname
const response = await api.sendVcardMessage(to,vcard);

Resend messages by status

  • status : unsent or expired
var status="expired"; 
const response = await api.resendByStatus(status);

Resend message by ID

  • id : message id
var id="123"; 
const response = await api.resendById(id);

Get Messages

get the messages that sent by api

  • page : pagination page number
  • limit : number of messages per request . max value : 100 .
  • status : Messages status [sent , queue , unsent]
    • sent : get sent messages .
    • queue : get queue messages .
    • unsent : get unsent messages .
    • invalid : get invalid messages .
    • all : get all messages .
  • sort :
    • asc : sorted messages by ID from smallest to largest .
    • desc : sorted messages by ID from largest to smallest .
  • id : filter messages by message ID .
  • referenceId : filter messages by your custom reference ID .
  • from : filter messages by WhatsApp sender number e.g 14155552671@c.us .
  • to : filter messages by recipient number e.g 14155552671@c.us or 14155552671-441234567890@g.us .
  • ack : filter messages by message ack status [ pending , server , device , read , played ] .
var page=1;
var limit=100;
var status="all";
var sort="asc";
var id="";
var referenceId="";
var from="";
var to="";
var ack="";
const response = await api.getMessages(page,limit,status,sort,id,referenceId,from,to,ack);

Get Messages Statistics

const response = await api.getMessageStatistics();

Get Instance Status

const response = await api.getInstanceStatus();

Get Instance QR Image

const response = await api.getInstanceQr();

Get Instance QR Code

const response = await api.getInstanceQrCode();

Get Instance Screenshot

const response = await api.getInstanceScreenshot();

or base64

const response = await api.getInstanceScreenshot("base64");

Get Instance Info

Get connected phone informations : number , name , image etc..

const response = await api.getInstanceMe();

Get Instance Settings

sendDelay : Delay in seconds between sending message, Default 1 second

webhook_url : Http or https URL for receiving notifications .

webhook_message_ack : on/off ack (message delivered and message viewed) notifications in webhooks.

webhook_message_received : on/off notifications in webhooks when message received .

webhook_message_create : on/off notifications in webhooks when message create .

webhook_message_download_media : on/off to get received document / media files.

const response = await api.getInstanceSettings();

Instance Takeover

Returns the active session if the device has connected to another instance of Web WhatsApp

const response = await api.sendInstanceTakeover();

Instance Logout

Logout from WhatsApp Web to get new QR code.

const response = await api.sendInstanceLogout();

Instance Restart

Restart your instance.

const response = await api.sendInstanceRestart();

Instance Settings Update

  • sendDelay : Delay in seconds between sending message .

  • webhook_url : Http or https URL for receiving notifications .

  • webhook_message_received : true/false notifications in webhooks when message received .

  • webhook_message_create : true/false notifications in webhooks when message create .

  • webhook_message_ack : true/false ack (message delivered and message viewed) notifications in webhooks.

var sendDelay=1;
var webhook_url="";
var webhook_message_received=false;
var webhook_message_create=false;
var webhook_message_ack=false;
var webhook_message_download_media=false;

const response = await api.sendInstanceSettings(sendDelay,webhook_url,webhook_message_received,webhook_message_create,webhook_message_ack,webhook_message_download_media);

Get the chats list

const response = await api.getChats();

get last message from chat conversation

max value : 1000 .

var chatId="14155552671@c.us";
var limit=100;
const response = await api.getChatsMessages(chatId,limit);

Get the contacts list

const response = await api.getContacts();

Get contact info

var chatId="14155552671@c.us"; 
const response = await api.getContact(chatId);

Gets all blocked contacts

const response = await api.getBlockedContacts();

block contact from WhatsApp

var chatId="14155552671@c.us"; 
const response = await api.blockContact(chatId);

Unblock contact from WhatsApp

var chatId="14155552671@c.us"; 
const response = await api.unblockContact(chatId);

Check if number is WhatsApp user

var chatId="14155552671@c.us"; 
const response = await api.checkContact(chatId);


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