
test of 11ty -- trying out blog features of this static site generator

Primary LanguageNunjucks

11ty test site

This is just a sample blog / website to experiment with 11ty

Steps to re-create

set up git repo, copy .gitignore from https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/master/Node.gitignore plus



npm install -g local-web-server

then on command line...

yarn init 
yarn add @11ty/eleventy

to generate the site:

npx @11ty/eleventy

or preview...

npx @11ty/eleventy --serve


Mustache because https://css-tricks.com/killer-features-of-nunjucks/ Nunjucks calls itself “A rich and powerful templating language for JavaScript”, which sounds about right. It’s not intentionally super lightweight like Mustache or the slightly more robust (but still pretty light) Handlebars. It’s a full-on language, packed with all kinds of stuff you might want when writing templates.

could find zero tutorials using mustache, so starting with Nunjucks (.njk)


  • "Whereas Jekyll uses the declarative YAML syntax for its configuration file, Eleventy uses JavaScript." .eleventy.js
  • excludes files in .eleventyignore (in addition to .gitignore)
  • By default, Eleventy uses markdown-it to parse Markdown. If your content uses advanced syntax features (such as abbreviations, definition lists and footnotes), you’ll need to pass Eleventy an instance of this (or another) Markdown library configured with the relevant options and plugins, see 11ty markdown options

borrowed post & base template inspiration from eleventy-base-blog