
Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT

article-format-template (AFT)

Template for creating a new journal article format for Quarto.

This repository is a Github Repository Template that you should use as a starter to create a new extension format. Click on the "Use this template" button at the top !

Structure of this repository

Format extension files are in _extensions and for this template repo our format will be called aft.


In this folder you'll find everything that defines the extensions which could be installed using quarto install extension or be part of the template when using quarto use template

Format Metadata

This is in _extension.yml is where all the metadata about the format are defined so that Quarto knows what to use.

Adapt this file for you own template


In partials, there are the .tex files that will be used as Pandoc's template. We provide here all the partials supported by Quarto and custom one for this format. Quarto allows to provide partials to ease the process of tweaking the default latex Pandoc's template and keeping it up to date.

This template repo contains all the relevant partials that you can use with Quarto as example. We only tweaked title.tex to show the usage of a custom partials called _custom.tex

Only keep the partials that you need to tweak for the format you are creating

If you need to completely change the default template (i.g customizing partials is not enough), then you need to provide your own template to Pandoc based on template.tex and also using partials or not. This can be provided using the template YAML key in _extension.yml for Quarto to use it.

This is considered advanced configuration as it will be harder to maintain than only using partials but could be required for some specific format. Be aware that this may lead to loose some Pandoc or Quarto features tied to default template.tex content if you remove some specific parts

Lua Filters

Most of the time, custom formats will need Lua filters to provide specific feature like cross format supports or provides custom shortcodes through the Quarto extension mechanism. Those filters will be available to the user and could be used in the custom formats (according to _extensions metadata).

We have provided two examples:

- `color-text.lua`, a Lua filter used to add color to inline text for PDF and HTML outputs using the same Markdown syntax
- `shorcodes.lua`, a Lua filter which follow [Quarto custom shortcodes](https://quarto.org/docs/authoring/shortcodes.html#custom-shortcodes) guidelines to provide a `{{< LaTeX >}}` shortcode to nicely print LaTeX in PDF and HTML. 

Remove or replace with your own Lua filters

Format resources

Resources required by the format needs to be available. We have provided two examples:

  • te.bst is a biblio style file for demo. It has been downloaded from https://www.economics.utoronto.ca/osborne/latex/TEBST.HTM (http://econtheory.org/technical/te.bst) - Licence LPPL

  • aft.cls is a dummy class file for this example format. It is a copy of official article.cls, the one provided in LaTeX installation (i.e at kpsewhich article.cls) and renamed as example (Licence LaTeX Project Public License)

  • custom.scss is a style file to have a custom theme for our HTML format so that our Lua filter feature color-tex.lua works.

Those files are referenced within the _extension.yml to be used with our example format.

Remove and replace with your own resources


Sometimes it is useful to have some files only needed for reference or for development. They should be available in the source repository but not downloaded to the user when quarto use template is used.

Use .quartoignore to register such file and folder (one file or folder per line)

style-guide folder

For quarto-journals format, use style-guide folder to include any documentation and resourced used for format creation, like a journal style guide or original .tex template. This folder is already added in .quartoignore in this example repo.

Remove, rename or add to this folder


This file is the template document that shows how to use the custom format. It will be downloaded with other resource by quarto use template, and even offered to be renamed if the name template.qmd is used.

This file will usually use the custom format (here aft-pdf and aft-html) and show how to use the template. When you'll copy this template, you should be able to render this document to the demo format.

Adapt this file to provide a suitable template for your custom format

Other files

Other files are needed by the template and are usually user provided - they are not part of the custom format.

Here bibliography.bib is here to demo the usage of the bst file from the custom format.

Remove this file and provide a suitable one for your template

Checklist: Creating a custom format

Here is the checklist to help you know what to modify:

  • Use this template repo to create a new repository for your format (Click on "Use this template" to create new github repo)
  • Once you are acquainted with the content, remove the resources that are there only as example (see above)
  • Keep only the template partials that you need to tweak, and add custom ones if needed
  • Add any Lua filters for shortcodes and other that would be useful to create the expected output format
  • Add any external resource your format will need, and that should be part of the extension format that will be downloaded,
  • Check _extension.yml is updated correctly
  • Modify the skeleton template.qmd to your format and add any required resources to be downloaded to user.
  • Check .quartoignore is updated which everything that should not be downloaded.


Download the extensions and its template .qmd using

quarto use template quarto-journals/article-format-template

Install the extension format only using

quarto install extension quarto-journals/article-format-template