I have developed a comprehensive web application for flight ticket booking, accommodating both user and admin functionalities. The application is built using the following tech stack:


  • Firebase for handling server-side logic, authentication, and database operations


  • HTML and CSS for creating an intuitive and visually appealing user interface

User Use Cases:

  1. Login: Users can securely log in with their credentials using Firebase Authentication.
  2. Sign Up: A user-friendly sign-up process with appropriate data validations ensures new users can effortlessly create accounts.
  3. Search Flights: Users can search for flights based on specific dates and times, allowing them to plan their trips conveniently.
  4. Book Tickets: Users can book tickets for available flights, considering the default seat count of 60.
  5. My Bookings: Users have access to a list of all their bookings, aiding them in managing their travel plans effectively.
  6. Logout: Users can securely log out of their accounts when they're done.

Admin Use Cases:

  1. Admin Login: Administrators have a separate login to access their privileges using Firebase Authentication.
  2. Add Flights: Admins can seamlessly add new flight details, including flight numbers, departure, and arrival times.
  3. Remove Flights: Admins are empowered to remove flights as needed.
  4. View Bookings: Admins can easily view all bookings for a specific flight, assisting them in efficiently managing seat availability.

The web application boasts a user-friendly interface crafted using HTML and CSS, ensuring a seamless experience for both users and administrators. Firebase serves as the backend, managing user authentication, flight details, and booking information securely. It facilitates real-time updates, enhances security, and offers a scalable solution for the application.

This application addresses the diverse needs of users and administrators, making it a versatile and efficient platform for booking flight tickets. It encompasses a range of functionalities, from user authentication and flight search to booking management and administration tasks. With this web application, users can effortlessly plan their travels, book flights, and manage their bookings, while administrators can efficiently oversee flights and monitor bookings.